Chapter 3 - Alone

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Five years later I was thirteen. Five years later I met Jack Frost again.
I sat in my bed. I saw no point at getting up today, why would I? I had to stay in my room the whole time. I read books when I didn't practice my powers, or did other things such as playing instruments and painting. The temperature had dropped to much colder than since I'd first met Jack. And my bed was frozen.
He came in through the bathroom window, making me drop my book when I heard a thud from the other room. He entered my room with that wonderful smile on his face, looking exactly as he did five years ago, but the smile quickly disappeared when he saw my bed, and when he saw me. I was thin and pale, with tears quietly rolling down my cheeks, and I had a sad face that looked as if it would remain on my face forever.
"Elsa, what happened?" Jack exclaimed.
I gave no answer.
"Do you remember me?" He said.
I nodded. "You're Jack, Jack Frost.." I stuttered.
"Have I done this?" He asked with a worried expression as he looked at my room.
"No, no, it's not you." I took a deep breath. "It's me."
"You?" Jack looked confused. He sat down on my bed. "Tell me, how did it become like this? What happened?"
"It's not 'it' that is the problem. It's me."
"Not you! Never you. It's not your fault, you just have to get used to your.."
"Well it's my problem, and I don't know you," I cut off. "Now, if you don't mind, leave my room."

Jack didn't give up that easily. He returned the next, probably hoping that I'd gotten out of my bad mood. When I didn't listen to him he simply began talking about different things. He told me that was the guardian of fun, the sprit of winter, that he helped children. He told me about his life, and how he became a guardian. After a while I started listening to him, and later I listened with big interest as he spoke about The sandman of dreams or Pitch Black, the Nightmare King. About a month later I laughed for the first time in years. He made me laugh, and became my kind of an imaginary friend, or a helping brother. I had just started telling Jack about my life, when he suddenly didn't show up each day as he used to do.
At sixteen years age he came back.

I was painting as he knocked on the window. I stepped back, surprised. Immediatly, I froze a chair, and a big part of the floor too. Jack looked shocked, but for me it was just normal, completely normal. These things happened every day. I put on my gloves and sighed. "So, where have you been?"
"Elsie, I'm so sorry..."
"Don't call me Elsie!" I snapped.
"Okay, okay. You must feel terrible. That you can't control your powers, that you haven't seen your sister in years, and now me..."
"Well thank you, for summing that up," I said sarcastically.
"I'm sorry! I had problems with Pitch, and, the other guardians, hum...Anyway, you have grown so much! How old are you?"
I sighed. I was sad and irritated, wanting him to leave. "16," I said shortly. "Go, please."
"What has happened when I was gone?"
"I broke my leg, I froze the library, and I've been very alone. Leave!"
"Wow, it seems like you've become quite of a bad girl, right?" Jack teased.
"Shut up!"
"It was a joke..."
"GO AWAY!" I cried. Ice was already spreading from my feet. I dried away my tears and continued painting.
"Fine," Jack said coldly. "If you don't want my help, I'll go."
I held my breath until he left. Then I burst into tears.

Two years later my parents drowned in a storm on a ship that was going to take them to a wedding in Corona. I didn't go to the funeral, since my room was frozen over. I couldn't go a step without freezing a part of the floor.
Three years went by. Three years filled with misery and fear. I never smile. I never feel happy anymore.

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