Zone? i think yes.

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Murasakibara was waiting for the tip off as usual. When he jumped and hit the ball down, "Nice job Murasakibara! Kee... What?" the sound of a whistle interupted kagami. "N-mumber 14 Jumping foul! Fukudakasb ball!" Said the ref. Murasakibara looked disheartened at this since he keeps making the same mistake. "Keep going" kuroko said to him. "Its just a mistake. You'll do better" said kuroko before running after haizaki. Murasakibara easily followed as he blocked his three. When Murasakibara came down he felt a jolt go up his leg. Little did he know Haizaki learned from Hanimaya. Murasakibara struggled to stay on his feet as he jogged. He put up with this because he wanted to win with his team. Murasakibara claimed seirin as his. After he got over it he went after the ball. Little did he know Mura was Much much closer to the zone than he thought he was.

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