Kagamis bad day

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Kagami headed home from a rough basketball game. As he walked to his apartment he found the firemen there. He suddenly thought it would be cool to be a fireman but that became a sudden gust of fear. "What the hell happened here!?" kagami said after he dropped his stuff. "Well..." said someone hes heard but just couldn't ring a bell, "thats a pity..." he said. "W-wait!" kagami said after he turned around, "Murasakibara! You have to help me!" Murasakibara sighed at the crying Kagami. "Ill help. Go ahead and gather your things. You can come to my place." Kagami jumped up at this in mixed emotions. "T-thank you..." Kagami said gathering what was left of his items. He then followed murasakibara to a large home.

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