Love it is

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Kagami hesitantly sat down on the bed with his face flushed. "Kaga-chin are you sick? You look flushed" Mura said. Then he placed a hand on his cheek. "K-Kyaaaa!" exclaimed kagami jumping back. "Kaga-chin? Your acting strange..." mura said. "Alright alright just sit still, let me take a look at your leg..." Kagami hesitantly stuck his leg out for mura to wrap. "There... That should do it..." mura said, "Now kaga-chin, please explain why your acting weird."Y-you really wanna know Mura?" Kagami questioned. "Yes Kaga-chin... I want to know" Mura replied. "W-well," kagami began to speak, "you know that tingling feeling in your stomach when your around somebody?" Kagami asked. "Yes i do" mura replied. Kagami then wrapped his arms around mura. "K-kaga-chin?" mura replied shocked. "That feeling..." began kagami, "is love. Ive fallen for you and i... I love you Murasakibara". Murasakibara didnt know how to reply but he felt the same. "I-i feel the same" mura told him. "Maybe we should find out..." Mura then pulled kagami off of his shoulder and leaned in for a kiss. Kagami leaned in as well sealing the passionate kiss. Moans could be heard throughout the room. As soon as the kiss was broken kagami said "lets go all the way... Please"

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