Return to the house? - Scott

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R!Scott decides to return to the house after the finale and goes to see the eldest daughter and what's left of the attic. He doesn't like it.


TW - mentions of violence


Scott's POV

Winter is slowly coming to an end and all of the other rats are okay. I haven't really enjoyed staying in the forest, out dens tend to get cold really often and we've had a couple close-calls with the wolves.

Owen has been trying to keep some form of normality but it's not really working and soon we will be out of food. I've only got a couple carrot tops and my seeds to plant after winter passes. I don't even know if I'll have the time to grow more when spring comes round.

Anyways, I've decided that we need to at least see if we can sneak around the house again. Everyone else thinks it's stupid and it probably is but I'm doing it anyway. I need to know what's happened in there and if there's anything I can scavenge.

Before I go I need to talk to Krow. I know that with what happened last time we did something the others disagreed with it won't agree to come, but I need to tell someone. Just in case.

"Hey Krow?" I called into his den. Krow's den is the darkest one out of all ours, he kind of just refused to have light in there.

"Scott, come down! What's up?"

"Well, I'm going back into the house," It froze, "I'll be back! It's just that we are running so low on food I'm getting worried it won't last."

It sighed. "Just in case, take this. Be back soon and don't get caught. We won't be able to save you." He handed me a knife.

I laughed and headed out of it's den.


It took me half an hour to get back to the house. It didn't look much different. But with the amount of property damage the Janitor caused I'll be surprised it looks as good on the inside.

I decided to head in through the basement hoping that it wasn't closed off. And luck was now on my side as it was open but the humans were lurking around the front door.

The father was standing with his back to the door and was looking quite sad. The mother was crying and giving him a hug, the youngest daughter was sitting on the bottom step pouting, the maid was sweeping the floor, the chef was watching from the kitchen, Grandma was standing just to the left of the youngest daughter, the boy was clinging to Grandma sobbing and the eldest daughter looked me dead in the eye. She looked shocked then quickly snapped out of it and turned back to her father as he walked out of the house.

While everyone else was distracted the eldest daughter quickly walked up to me and quietly tucked me into her pocket.

I stayed quiet. The eldest daughter had been nothing but kind to us while we stayed here.

Soon she had put me down in her room as the sun set.

"What are you doing here? The janitor was trying to kill you but said you had all jumped off the roof and ran off!" She cried as Grandma walked in.

"Oh hello there little one!" She greeted me. "You mustn't yell at them. Not all of them understand English and if I remember correctly he is one who doesn't."

"Sorry little guy! I didn't mean to scare you! Here." She passed me a note also written in human. "Go on now."


It wasn't long before I found myself in the attic and it was there that my heart shattered. The janitor had torn the place to shreds trying to find us before jumped off the roof.

The awards stage was unrecognisable as it had been so close to where he had come in. The bigger version of the trophies had been shattered across the floor. My inside farm was torn up and all I had left behind in it had been harvested, probably by the gardener.

It just hurt. I couldn't hold back my tears, everything had been destroyed by the janitor. The garden I made Owen was nonexistent, the bar was a pool of multicoloured liquids. And it stunk. How the humans weren't upset about that I didn't know. The window we escaped through had been boarded up but a cold draft was still able to enter the attic.

I couldn't stay here! This was a nightmare. But it was reality. I scrambled out from behind the bathtub. The hole we had nibbled into the door had been boarded up as well but the door was open.

But I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into the boy. He had puffy eyes and had changed into a loose blue T-shirt and shorts. Humans are weird! Why do they change so often? I squeaked!

"Oh no..." I shuddered, he was going to take me to the janitor wasn't he!

"Ivan! What are you doing up?" It was Grandma! "Go through to my room, I'll deal with the rat." Her voice was really soft and quiet, despite not being able to understand a word of what they were saying I could tell that they were on good terms.

Once the boy was out of range, Grandma laughed and looked down at me. Then she walked to the window and opened it for me! I ran out and waved to her as she closed it and walked off.

And now to walk back...


"Why did you go back to the house you idiot!" Screamed Owen as he hugged me when I got back to the community den.

"You told them?" I said turning to Krow.

"Yeah! My fleas were starting to get worried when the sun set!" Defended Krow.

"It's fine. But anyways, the Dad left yesterday and the attic has been torn to shreds."

"The dad left!" Cheered Martyn. I laughed and I was better here with the others and whatever food I scavenged from the attic.


Hello little ones,

To be honest with you, I thought that you had died when you left at the start of the year. Grandma was the only one who had faith in you lot.

But anyway, I thought you might want to hear about your little bird friend! Good news! Her wings healed nicely and with the chef's help I was able to give her a snack before she left the day after you lot. She seemed quite sad hearing about what happened with you guys and was very glad that I had her with me when it happened, I hate to think what my dad would've done to her.

The janitor was fired after all of the damages. Dad wasn't happy about it and mother has been arguing with him about it because he torn of Ivan's room.

Feel free to stop by if you need anything,

The eldest daughter.


Word Count - 1181

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