How they found out - Apo, Bek, Owen, Scott and Acho

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PART 2 of Jewels and Powers! Thank you again for the request @MilaStars0 


Scott's POV 

It's been two months since Owen and I found the jewellery and its starting to get really cold in the house. Then the other rats have just decided to blow up the boiler so its even colder than it normally is when winter rolls around, and now I'm starting to think that I'm the only rat here that even knows what winter is. 

Just an hour ago everything could have ended for me. I got caught by the janitor and he was extremely angry at all of us rats. He thought I blew up the boiler. The mother saved me, I don't know why she did but now she's standing in front of me and I don't know what she is thinking. 

I've provided no context there so let me explain, after she let me go, I ran. I ran out into the garden and I think she followed me. I forgot that the anklet freezes things. I ran across the pond and it froze under me. 

The look of pure horror on the mother's face is making me wish the anklet could freeze my heart as well, even if it could, I'm pretty sure the healing factor would counter it. 

"Are you alright, little one. You're shaking, are you cold?" The mother said, whilst she crouched down. It was like she was caring about me. 

I took a step back, as if I were to run. 

"Its alright," she said, holding out a hand in front of me, "I won't hurt you."

Just as I stepped onto her palm, a fire erupted to my left and it Apo. 

"Farmer Rat!" He called to me. 

"It's alright, she won't hurt me Apo." 

I was glad she picked me up. If she didn't I would have fallen into the pond and at this time of year I think there is nothing that I would like to do less, except get eaten by the cats. It would be a horrible way to go. And now the mother knows. 


Owen's POV

Grandma is amazing. She's just awesome. For a human at least. Imagine a nice cat though. That would be scuffed. 

I'm in her room right now. Her window got broken recently when a bird flew into it and her room has been really cold ever since, I only realised when she wrote about it. As a rat I must say we love completing quests. My quest today is to fix this window. 

Then Grandma walks in and now I've realised that I have horrible planning skills. 

I put on the choker. Now I have taken it off and the grandma laughs. 

"Oh, you guys found them."

The grandma had put the jewellery in the forest for us to find. That is just what I needed to know. Honestly, I never thought that the grandma would have ever had access to the forest and how did she even get these. It would make a lot more sense for it to have been the eldest daughter, what with her potions knowledge. 

"I did think that she was joking when she told me that you would find them and what they do. My grandchild that is."

Well, that makes more sense. The eldest daughter asked her to find a way to indirectly give them to us. I'm just glad it wasn't garbage rat who found them. 


Martyn's POV 

Another ratty in the bar and business is on one of its slower days. Currently, I have one other rat in the bar with me and its Scott. Just the rat I wanted to talk to. 

One, about how he's feeling after that bit with the janitor and two, about that anklet. 

Not that anything is wrong with the anklet. It's more or less just that I'm curious about how he got it. But it seems to be something he doesn't want to speak about so I'm not mentioning it right now. He's currently chatting about how he's worried about winter approaching.  

I'll admit it, winter is coming. I dislike that fact because a lot of the other rats have been disrupting the humans normal lives. If they find us in the attic we will be thrown out and now that they know we are here they will probably start to notice that we disappear into the upstairs bathroom and that we are in the attic. 

I know that humans can be sneaking and judging by how much they have stored up here, they will have another way up that we don't know about and we will caught soon, most likely in the middle of winter, then we die, either from the cold or the hunger.

"And I know that the grandma would be happy to hide us in her room and all but she's already done so much. You know, like with the anklet that I have, the choker that Owen has, Apo's necklace, Bek's earrings and Acho's bracelet..." 

"Grandma gave you those?" I looked back at Scott. 

"The eldest daughter told her to give them to use...I shouldn't have told you that." 

Then he ran out. 


I can't be trusted with anything.


867 words! 

Keep your eyes open for pt3. 

Expect updates on every multiple of 5.

Feb- 5,10,15,20,25

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