Hyde •Chapter 4•

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"Are you guys excited for the fair??" Enid questions me, jumping up and down like a puppy. "Yes yes, calm down Enid" I respond, trying my best to make sure she doesn't break a hole in the floor. "I'm gonna beat Yoko at ping pong so badly- hey Wednesday!!!" Enid practically screams.

"Hello" Wednesday mutters as she gets straight to the point. "I'm going to be escaping tonight like I've been saying" she states, ready for anyone to disagree, but we both stay quiet.

"I need you two to distract Ms.Weems, she'll be watching me like a hawk." "Ok, but will you be alone?" I ask, a bit concerned this plan won't work. "Tyler and Thing are helping me" she explained.

"Thing??" Enid asked, very confused.


At that very moment, I kid you not, a disembodied hand with stitches covering its body came out of Wednesdays bag.

"What. The. Fuck-" Enid whispers, trying to figure out what was happening.

"Woah. He's really cool." I complemented. Things tapped back a thank you and crawled onto Wednesdays shoulder.

"Are we- are we not just gonna talk- or even question- what is actually fucking- fucking happening??" Enid mumbles, obviously scared of the hand. "You'll get used to him" Wednesday was awfully calm about this, at least I'm guessing Enid thought so.

Thing tapped something to Wednesday.

"He asked if you two know morse code." She asks blankly.  "I do" I say, surprising myself and Enid. I actually forgot I took a morse code lesson with my dad. "Good, how about you Enid?" "I know enough to say some things" Enid mutters, probably trying to remember some things.


"Crap we're gonna be late to the fair!" Enid squeals before dragging us out.

Ok, my mission is to distract Ms.Weems with Enid, I can do that. Me and Enid walk over to Ms.Weems hesitantly. "Ah, hello girls! Can I help you with anything?" She questions

Shit. We had absolutely no plan, this was all gonna have to be improvised. "Yeah- uh, I think Journey needs a bandaid" Enid stammers.

God dammit.

I quickly take my claws out and stab one in my palm. Ow. Blood instantly flows out of the open wound, perfect.

"Yeah I got cut pretty bad" I show Ms.Weems my cut and her face shows a bit of shock, but she hides it quickly

"This is why I always have bandaids on me" she confidently grinned before pulling out one and sticking it on me. "There you go!"

"Thank you" I respond. "We'll be on our way." I thank, before dragging Enid away. "I can't believe that worked" Enid chimed. "Me to. Didn't Wednesday say she was going to the woods? We can go check to see if she made it" I replied. "The woods?" -Enid hesitates for a second- "alright"

We walk through the woods looking for any sign of Wednesday till we hear a crash noise and a faint gasp. "Enid something's wrong. You think you can go get help?" I ask nervously. "Got it" she answered, sprinting out the woods. I run closer to the sound as it gets louder and louder.

"Rowan, put me down"

"I knew it was my destiny to kill you, now I finally will!"

That was Wednesday's and Rowan's voice...she's in trouble. I sprint faster then ever till I reach them. I see Wednesday pinned against a tree and Rowan...laughing? I get ready to spring into action when a giant beast jumps out of nowhere and crashes into Rowan, clawing through this skin, instantly killing him.

I'm fixated on what has just happened when I realize...Wednesday! I sprint to the tree before I can even think about what I'm doing.

Wednesday Pov
I watch as the monster claws rowan into pieces, the atmosphere so thick it's suffocating. That's when I feel the pressure release and realize I'm about to fall onto hard forest ground from 6 feet up.

I fall fast, getting ready to hit the hard floor of dirt and leaves.

But I don't.

Instead, I fall into soft, weirdly very comforting arms awaiting me.

Journey pov
"Wednesday! Are you ok?" I stammer as I hold her in my arms. "What...was that?" She asks, not answering my question. "No idea."

I set Wednesday down and she's a bit wobbly, so I try to help but all I get is a "Im fine" before I hear Ms.Weems coming. "What has happened!?" She exclaimed, running up to us with Enid. "Rowan was killed, his body is right ther-..." Wednesday points at the spot where Rowan's body had lay a second ago. "It was right there." She whispers. "Maybe it's just the shock getting to your head" Ms.Weems responded, bringing her arm out to grab Wednesday's shoulder. Wednesday instantly backs up closer to me.

"He was dead. Me and Journey saw it." She glances at me for confirmation.

"Yeah, he was dead. A big monster looking thing killed him." "Why were you two out here anyways?" Ms.Weems questions. Wednesday stays silent so I decide to speak up.

"After me and Enid walked away from you we heard a noise in the woods, that's when I met Wednesday who heard it to. We went into the woods and Wednesday was just...gone. I told Enid to go get help and I looked for Wednesday when I saw Rowan trying to kill her, then as I said, the monster came out and killed him." I lied, trying my best to sound somewhat believable.

"Journey, walk Wednesday back to the dorm, I'll get the sheriff." Ms.Weems sighs. "Alright." I say blankly walking away, Wednesday following next to me.

"We're going to figure out what that monster was and prove Rowan died." Wednesday confirms. "And if it kills us before we can figure that out?" "Then we'll make sure to be careful."

"Well, whatever that 'thing' was I can confirm it wasn't human" I say, until a spark lights in my brain.

"Unless it was."

I just wanted to say thank you for the people that have been reading this! I didn't expect people to but thank you! Sorry this one came out late, I have been busy with school work. But anyways, thank y'all for reading this!

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