Amelia pulls on a sweater as Morgan walks out of the bathroom. He's wearing a University of Tennessee long sleeve and blue jeans. He walks over to the pile of ball caps on his dresser and picks one out, placing it backwards on his head.

"Ya ready to meet my momma today?" Morgan sits on the bed, watching her put on her makeup.

"Morgan, I've know her for six years." She searches through her bag for a tube of concealer.

"Yeah, but never as my girlfriend. They're all gonna come over here."

"Whose all coming?" Amelia watches him in the mirror as she dabs on some of the liquid.

"Momma, Dad, my sisters, my niece, I think my Mamaw Kay."

Amelia whips around. "Morgan! I thought I was re meeting your parents today, not your whole family!"

"Don't worry bout it honey, like you said you already know em."

"And like you said, not as your girlfriend. Damn it Morgan, you got me all sweaty now."

Morgan smirks from the bed. "Oh really? I think we should getcha real hot then."

Amelia sends him a glare. "You're not getting in my pants after what you're pullin." She whips back around to her mirror and his hands appear on her hips.

"Meli babe, I just didn't want ya to get nervous. But you asked and I wasn't gonna lie about it."

"Did you tell them that your girlfriend would be here?"

"I did." Morgan says.

"Do they know it's me?"

"No. I wanna see the look on their faces when they figure it out."

"Mo, you're gonna freak them out." Amelia now faces him, baby blues meeting baby blues. He grins at this and pulls her closer by her ass.

"I think they can handle it, but before they get here I think we have somethin to do." Morgan leans down to kiss her neck.

"I just did my makeup." He's pulling up her sweater now. She wishes she hadn't put on the baby blue lace bra she bought last week because she knows she'll never get him to stop now.

"Redo it. Baby this bra, do you know what this does to me?"

"Make up is expensive and I just got this bra, so if you rip it..."

"I'll buy ya a new one, fuck baby." Morgan tears of off of her, giving him a full view of her boobs. Multitasking, he latches onto a nipple and un does the button on her jeans. It's been a while since they've done this, their work schedule has messed them up lately. Between Morgan writing at all hours and Amelia recording for his album, this side of their relationship has lacked. Which to her is ironic because of how this all came to be.  He shoves her jeans and then her panties down her legs and lays her down on the bed. Moving down he takes her into his mouth and she grabs on to his forearm to steady herself. Amelia let's out a high moan as his tongue touches her in ways that she's missed. Neither of them hear the front door open or his dog barking in the yard. Morgan's too busy to care about anything going on besides the sounds coming from his girl.

"Hey Mo, Mamaw is- oh fuck!" Bean walks into the room just to see is cousin going down on his lead guitarist. Amelia let's out a yelp and Morgan's instantly on his feet and trying to help her get covered, tossing the comforter over her.

"Why didn't you fuckin knock man?" Morgan exclaims as he tries to find Amelia's panties. Bean now has his hands covering his face.

"You knew we were coming over!" He exclaims.

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