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The island they found my brother and I on was named Lian Yu. It's Mandarin for 'Purgatory'. For 5 years we suffered more than anyone should.

This all began 5 years ago, when a simple business trip across seas with our father turned into tragedy.


Queen's Gambit - Main Deck

I emerged from my room on the lower deck to see my father and brother talking.

"We in trouble?" I heard Oliver ask  as I walked up to them.

"One of us is," dad said.

"Yeah. She and I... just kind of happened..." Oliver said.

"Things don't happen to us, Oliver. They happen because of us. I wish that would settle in," dad said.

"If I wanted a lecture, I'd be back at Stanford. Or Berkeley. Or Reed," Oliver said annoyed.

"Dad, you know that speech will never settle with Oliver," I said.

"Oliver! Where do you keep the bottle opener on this thing?" a familiar female voice called out.

"I'll show you. One sec," Oliver answered.

"What the hell dude?" I said looking at Oliver.

"What?" He questioned me.

"You're seriously cheating on Laurel, with her sister. What is wrong with you?" I said.

Oliver just ignored me and was about to leave when dad stopped him.

"You know that won't finish well. For either of them. Or you," dad said.

Oliver just shrugs and says "What can you do?" And heads off down the deck.


Later in the night a storm raged on  outside, while I laid on the bed in my room on the phone with The.

Thea: So how's the trip going?

Nate: Well we're at sea, so it's going, but the storm might give us some trouble.

Thea: Just be careful ok, and tell Dad and Ollie the same.

Nate: I will Speedy.

Thea: I still hate that nickname.

Nate: I know you do, well it's getting late, so goodnight Speedy.

Thea: Goodnight Nate.

Once I finished the call with Thea a loud clap of thunder rang. Without warning my room flipped and I was flunged from my bed to the wall in my cabin, hitting my head pretty hard.

Through the ringing in my ear, I heard my brother call out Sara's name. As water started feeling the cabin, I was swept under.

I swam up to the surface and looked around.

"Dad! Oliver! Sara!" I called out in the storm.

"Nathan!" I heard my father and brother call out to me as hands pulled me up into a lifeboat.

I looked to see my dad, Oliver, and Hackett on the boat, but someone was missing.

"Where's Sara?" I asked as Oliver looked at me with a devastated look and dad looked down.

"She's gone son," he said.


Once the storm passed, we floated in the boat. Dad and Hackett were looking over our rations, while Ollie and I were laying on the side of the raft.

"We're going to get through this, sons," dad said as he came over to us.

"Really? 'Cause the no food and no landfall for a week says otherwise," Oliver said.

"We'll make it. We have to," dad said. "I thought I'd have more time."

"Time for what?" I asked him.

"I started with nothing, boys. But the more I earned, the more I paid. I paid with my soul. Queen Consolidated's success was built on the pain and suffering of many. Pain and suffering I caused," he said. "I failed our city."

"Dad, what are you talking about? You're a good man," I said.

"You don't know me boys. Not really. You don't know the truth," he said.


After drifting in the ocean for who knows how long the storm passed and the sun was out.

"Boys..." Dad spoke to us.

"Don't talk dad. Save your strength," Oliver said and I nodded agreeing with him.

"I am. You two are my strength. And I'm saying both of you," he said.

Dad moved closer to us and away from Hackett and started to speak to us again.

"We're not going to last. The four of us, but you two can. Both of you can survive," he said. "Make it back to Starling. I ruined our city, but you two can save it."

Oliver and I looked at our dad like he had lost his mind.

"Just rest, dad," I said.

"This is my penance. This is what I deserve, but you're my absolution," he continued.

The next thing thing that happened was dad pulling out a gun and shooting Hackett off the raft. Stunned by what happened, my brother and I couldn't do anything as our dad brought the gun up to his head and told us to survive before he pulled the trigger.

Breaking out of our stunned states, we pulled our father close to us and cried.


"Nate, wake up," I hear Oliver say as I start to wake up.

"Why, we're still drifting in the sea," I said as I opened my eyes slowly to see my brother and a lot of mist.

"Get up, I think I see an island," he said looking out ahead of us.

I lift my head and faced where he was looking to see an island as the mist started to clear.

"Maybe there's someone there that can help us," I said hopefully.

If only I knew what would happen once we stepped foot on that island, I wouldn't have been so hopeful.


I hope this prologue was good to start off with. The next chapter will be the pilot episode.

If there's some things you would like to happen in this story I am open to any suggestions.

Anyways I hope you'll enjoy this book once I really get started on it and pls comment and vote and stay safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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