Leave Who?- Kay Flock

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Jenada regretted not listening to her mother when she warned her about dating Kay. She remembered her mother's words from the day she told her clearly. "Yeah you're happy with him now but fame is a disease and no one is immune."

She'd scoffed at what her mother was saying and called her corny, Kay had already been famous at the time and he still treated her like a princess. Then slowly, their daily facetimes that would last for hours, started to get shorter.

She didn't mind, she even expected it since he had just done a song with THE Cardi B and was gaining alot of attention.

Then he stopped calling her everyday, once again, she expected it. He still made an effort to text her and call when he could so she couldn't complain. Only when she realized that he hadn't called her in almost 3 weeks did she start to get upset.

Their communication was getting less frequent but at least he still showed up for dates and other important events. Until he didn't.

The first event he missed was a small kickback with a few of their friends, nothing too major. He apologized and promised to make it to the next one despite her assurances that it was okay.

Then he missed her mom's birthday party because he was in the studio. The looks of disapproval from her mother when all of her calls to him went unanswered were so humiliating and the only apology he could offer was "I was in the studio bae."

He started missing so many date nights, graduations and birthday parties that she didn't bother inviting him anymore. He never missed any of Dougie's release parties or Cblu's video shoots though.

3 and a half years into the relationship and they barely communicated, saw each other about once a month and hadn't gone on a proper date in months. Jenada didn't know what to do, her mother and her friends were telling her to leave him but she truly loved that boy's soul and felt like he loved her too.

Her best friends disagreed.

"Jen, that nigga does not care bro." Ashley deadpanned. It was the third time that week that Jenada face-timed their gc in tears. "Rs, I'm tired of telling you to leave him. You don't fucking listen." Andre added.

"Fine." Jenada wiped her eyes "I'll do it tonight.". Essence, Andre's girlfriend squinted her eyes and grabbed her boyfriend's phone "Say word to everything.".

"Give my friend his phone back lil girl. But yes, word to everything, I'm breaking up with Kay tonight." Jenada rolled her eyes.

"Fucking finally." Amir, who had been silent for most of the call, exclaimed, "My friend is being freed from the shackles of that Dominican demon.". "Okay okay. Not too much now." Jenada rolled her eyes "I need to get off and figure out how I'm gonna do this. Bye guys, love you."

After they had said their goodbyes, Jenada sat in the middle of her bed and lit a blunt. She didn't smoke often but she needed to be calm for what she was about to do. She called Kay, put her phone on speaker and set it down on the bed in front of her.

As she waited for him to answer, she was still thinking about how she would do it without causing further problems. Kay took a minute to answer but when he did, she was bombarded by noise. Kay sounded like he had just been laughing, music was blaring and she swore she heard Dougie's voice.

"Kay, where are you?" She asked, maybe the way she asked sounded accusatory because Kay responded defensively. "I'm at the studio with Dougie, why you asking?"

"Didn't know it was illegal to ask my boyfriend where he was but okay." "That's not what i mean." Kay sighed. "Nah its fine. That just proves this isn't working anymore Kay.". He didn't say anything for a while but she heard the sound of clothes rustling and the background noises of the studio faded.

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