Chapter 5

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Well here I am back with a new chapter..! Well i shut up and get to writting.


Tazmin •POV•

God this night was never ending......I felt so guilty. I had kissed my best friend. More importantly I had kissed my boyfriends best friend. I couldn't deal with Vinny being so sweet and caring and im just here feeling guilty as hell that I had kissed his best friend. Should I tell him? How would he react? Would he be mad? Angry? Sad? This was so hard. I shouldn't even be feeling guilty......I didn't do anything Spikey kissed me. I didnt ask him too. But I did allow him to. I need to tell Vinny.

Tazmin- Vinny I have to tell you something.

Vinny- What is it babe? Is everything okay? Did I do anything?

Tazmin- Yeah its just that today after Spikey left from here.....he um-m......k-kissed me. Now it wasn't just all his fault I didn't stop him and I regret not stopping him. But all I care about right now is us. I dont want anything with Spikey. Just me and you.

Vinny- Okay........I want to trust you but tell me one you love him?

Tazmin- No Vinny......I did once in the past and all I dreamed of was Tazmin and Mikey together but he made it clear he didnt want that and now I have moved on. Its all you now Vinny.

Vinny- Okay ill trust you this time. Just dont let it happen again. I care about this too much and I dont want this to end. I love you Tazmin Alamia.

Wow he took this better than I thought he would. I thought he would have broke up with me or at least gotten pissed off with Spikey.

Vinny •POV•

Wow. My best friend. The guy that I trusted with my deepest secrets. The guy that I would do anything for. My best friend Michael Fusco had kissed MY girlfriend. I didn't want to freak out but f*** he knew how I felt about Tazmin and he could still come and kiss my girlfriend! I dont know what to do or say. I just want to curl up and cry, I love Tazmin but what if she actually felt for Mikey. Ill give her one more chance. Maybe tonight that im staying over I can make her fall more for me.

Tazmin •POV•

Im so glad I got that off my chest. Now I can actually enjoy the rest of my night with Vin. I wonder what Madison might be thinking about this whole situation. I will talk to him him tomorrow after Vin leaves. Vinny is acting very clingy. Not that I mind its just that hes not like this. Hes usually the guy that likes to cuddle and everything but only of the girl starts it. I really want us to last and not just be a two week relationship.

Tazmin- Vin baby stop it no no more.

Vinny- Say it say it say it.

Tazmin- Vinny noo stop stop tickling me stop-p-p tickl-l-ing m-e-e

Vinny- Say it and ill stop.!

Tazmin- Ok-a-a-y-y ok-k-a-y-y Vinn-y-y Castrono-v-o-o is th-e-e be-s-t-t boyf-wied i-n in th-e-e wo-o-rld

Vinny- Awww yay.! Okay ill stop now

Tazmin- I hate you -pout face-

Vinny- No you love me now gimme kiss -kissy face-

Tazmin- No!

Vinny- Why not? -pout face-

Tazmin- Cuz you tickled me -sticks out tongue-

Vinny- ill tickle you again if you dont gimme kiss

Tazmin- Okay ill give you kiss

I slowly began to lean in until our lips touched. Gosh his lips were perfect. They were so soft and plump. I wanted to never stop kissing him. Vinny laid back on the couch without breaking the kiss. The kiss began to get more and more intense.

Vinny- Hmm baby I love you

Tazmin- Hmm

Vinny began to squeeze my sides and then thats when I realized that we shouldn't continue

Tazmin- Hm babe stop we have to stop.

Vinny stopped and looked up at me.

Vinny- Okay baby whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Tazmin- Vinny I- I.........


And the end of another chapter! Sorry that I havent updated in so long but i had been busy but now im back and ready to work

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2013 ⏰

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