~The first hand kiss~ (Jigen headcanon)~

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whole gang and you were going to attend a fancy party since rumors said it was quite fun! Well not really attend...sneak into really...It is a huge ballroom with lots of wonderful snacks and such!Originally the gang wanted to have a mission of stealing some famous celebrity guests' expensive rare stuff but for the past few days, it had been tough for the gang to keep up to their feet due to stress. So they just decided to take the day off and have fun!!Everybody in the gang was really excited about this day to come! (especially Lupin and Fujiko) You were also excited but had a hint of insecurity about going to a party. So before the exciting day arrived you constantly worried about looking bad that day. Jigen told you things were going to be fine and not to worry but Jigen knew his words couldn't reach your heart. That's why he made a little mission to himself. On the day of the party, he was going to directly tell you that you are beautiful. Straight through your heart like a bullet.So for the next night and so he practiced talking to you. He always got quite nervous when he was around you, but wanted to get closer!You always complimented him and gave him support. And he wanted to show his support back to you! But due to not being used to this feeling he couldn't get his words to go through your heart. But tonight was different!

~Day of the fancy party arrives~

It was about 30 minutes before the party opening ceremony was starting. Jigen was leaning against the rails in the small balcony. He was just smoking as much in the limited time before the party started. He knew that smoking was banned in the ballroom so for tonight, now was his only time to smoke freely since he really doesn't wanna cause a scene by smoking and disturbing others.During the few puffs of smoke that he blew, his thoughts were focused on you. He was quite secretly happy to meet you. For tonight he was able to forget about work and just enjoy the time with you. *creek* Oh hi Jigen! He looked up his hat to see you warmly smiling at him. His heart fluttered for a moment, he was blown away by your beauty. Your warm smile, shining eyes, the perfect clothes perfecting fitting you, he could go on and on about it but he snapped back to reality. He swiftly burned out the cigarette and greeted you with a little smile on his face. After a nice greeting from both of you, and had small chat about simple topics. Throughout the conversation, Jigen made a few puns and jokes and made you giggle. Everything was going smoothly.He then saw your eyes seem a bit sad...? You were looking nervous. He saw you open your mouth slowly to say something. I'm actually kinda nervous tonight, I'm really worried that I look bad tonight, I feel really nervous... I feel like I don't look enough...*little sigh*Jigen then looked into your eyes and saw that you were really insecure and nervous about how you looked, even though you look so breathtaking all the time. Jigen wanted to help with your insecurity, so he slowly breathed in and out.He then look into your eyes and took your hand swiftly up to his lips.You know y/n, I think you look breathtaking as always *hand kiss* He then took a little peak from his hat after the hand kiss.You were standing there with flustered pink cheeks and were standing there trying to avoid eye contact while holding your hand closely. After a second You smiled warmly and opened your mouth and responded. T-thank you Jigen /////Bang!That reaction of yours went straight through his heart like a fast bullet. He was so nervous about giving the small hand kiss and he thought he was going to die. Your reaction just made him fall for you even harder, he was indeed becoming a lovesick gunman. Just before anything more could happen, the beginning of the party ceremony/speech was starting. O-oh um, Jigen we should get going! You quickly held his hand and ran towards the doors.While Jigen was holding your hand he saw your bright red ears and cheeks. Jigen smiled to himself and chuckled and how red you were. Jigen, everybody is going to wait for us let's go! You looked back for a moment still having your flustered face. Alright alright y/n, it's okay. You both successfully arrived at the speech/ceremony on time. We made it! You faced Jigen and smiled. Heh, that's good.After a moment you both realized you were still holding hands. Ah- sorry Jigen! I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable! Because of how both flustered and happy Jigen was he didn't even notice and quickly responded. It's okay-After letting go of your soft warm hands he felt a bit...as he wanted to hold your hand longer...But before those thoughts, from a little distance away you both heard Lupin's loud voice calling for you. Y/n~~!! Jigen~! Oh! Over there! There you are!!!Soon Fujiko, lupin, and Goemon met up with you and were glad you both weren't lost. You know we were looking for you!!! Oh please lupin you were looking for some snacks you could eat. That is not true fuji-cakes!!! Hmpf. Well, at least we are all now together now. Yeah!! That's what matters! Anyway where and what were you two doing by the way?Jigen and you skipped a heartbeat. It's nothing lupin... Really~~~? Y-yes. It is none of your business lupin. Hmm~~~? You and Jigen got quite nervous. I feel like you both are hiding something...Well! Anyway- *music starts playing* Oh cool! Music! Anyway, I'm going to go get some wine. *Fujiko walks away* Wait up fuji- Do NOT follow me lupin. Why~~~~~!!! You and the other two chuckled at this. I will be doing my own thing, you both enjoy. *bows and walks away* Bye Goemon!Now it was the two of you. Jigen was about to speak but you opened your mouth first. And had a slight blush on your checks. I'm going to say this again but um, Thanks a lot Jigen /// Jigen was quite shocked. He immediately knew you were talking about the words he said. Did his words really make you happy? Judging by your shy smile by his simple words did go through your heart? His head had a lot of questions but he glanced at you. And smirked to himself. No need to thank me y/n. All I have been doing is saying the truth

Well this time, he made your heart go


~And that the story about the first hand kiss with Jigen, made you both reminded of how much you support each other, but there was another little secret thing that always spins around both of your heads. Maybe we are much closer than just ''friends''...~

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