Chapter 15

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"Are you breaking up with you"

"I'm not breaking up with you but I don't want to be around you right now"

"Are you staying at your parents place?" I asked

She nodded

"Why did you hurt yourself?"

"I didn't do that"

"Look at you knuckles baby did you punch a wall or-?"

"I'm okay Leah"

"So you're mad at me because of the things I said?" I asked

She stayed quiet


"Leah are you even listening to me?"

"I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone" I said and walked away

~POV Y/n~

We just finished practice, I was changing my clothes

"I'm celebrating my grandmas birthday tonight, we're having some dinner" Leah said

I forgot about that, we're still not talking

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to join them

I grabbed my stuff and went back home

It's been a couple hours later

I decided to join Leah's family for dinner without telling Leah

"Hi everyone" I said

Leah looked up

I greeted everyone before sitting down next to Leah

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I can leave"

"No, no. I'm happy to see you"

I was talking to her mom, when she looked confused at Leah

I looked at her

Leah was just staring at her plate

"You don't like it?" I asked

She shook her head no

"You can have my pasta" I said

"I mean I like it- I'm just- I- I'm not hungry" She said and got up

"I need to use the bathroom" She said and walked away

"Leah is not doing well, I don't know what's going on with her" Her brother said

I got up

"I'll check on her" I said

I walked inside the bathroom

I heard someone crying


"Leah open the door I know that you're in there"

The door slowly opened

"Are you okay?" I asked

She nodded

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying" She said and wiped away her tears

She tried to walk past me

I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me

I embraced her in a hug

She broke down crying

"I'm sorry" She said

"What's wrong?"

Leah Williamson x Y/n Where stories live. Discover now