Chapter 23

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I looked to my side, my eyes landed on my mom

I immediately got up

"What are you doing here?" I asked and hugged my mom

"Surprise" She said

~POV Leah~

I got up and greeted her dad

"What did you do loser" I said and hugged her brother, he was sitting in a wheelchair

He shrugged

"Stupid accident"

"Thank god you survived"

He nodded

I hugged her mom

"We were supposed to be here at the same time as the other family members but we couldn't make it on time. Leah texted me 20 times to make sure we were still coming" Her mom said

"Yeah I did"

Y/n hugged me

It's been an hour later

The door opened, Y/n walked in

I was laying down in bed


"Hey" She said

"Happy to see your family?"

She nodded

"Want to watch a movie?" I asked

"Yes, I'm gonna take a shower real quick"

~POV Y/n~

"Found a movie Leah?"

She stayed quiet


I walked in the bedroom

She fell asleep

I turned off the lights

The next morning

I woke up the next morning, Leah was asleep with her head on my chest

"Leah" I whispered


"Are you awake?"

"Yes" She whispered

"I need to use the bathroom"

"No you don't"

"Yes I do"

She slowly got up

I went to the bathroom and made myself ready

"Where is my shirt Leah?" I asked

"I don't know" She said and walked into the bathroom

"You're wearing my shirt"

"No I don't"

"Yes and you're wearing my shorts"

She looked at the number on her shorts

"Oh yes I do- you can have mine" She said

"So we're back to sharing clothes again?"

"I love sharing clothes with you" She said

"Okay Leah let's go"

It's been a couple weeks later

Leah Williamson x Y/n Where stories live. Discover now