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Childe's POV:
Eventually, we all got sat down at the table with the food. Before eating, I thanked Scara's mom's, him nodding along with me as I did so. After a moment, we began to eat, but at some point I had to stop due to a... technical issue...
Scaramouche's POV:
I was contently eating when I glanced over at Childe who for some reason had stopped eating and was messing with his fingers. I swallowed what I was chewing, placing my chopsticks on the table for a moment and tapped his shoulder. He looked over and I whispered to him
"Do you need any help?"
He nodded, pointing to the chopsticks. I sighed to myself, making a mental note of the fact he couldn't use them. Since I was practically done at this point being a fast eater and all, I simply sat in his lap, mainly because it was easier, but also because it's comfy as fuck. He seemed a bit confused but let me do so anyway. I grabbed his hand and the chopsticks. Jeez, his hand where so big now that I looked... Anyway- I put the chopsticks in his hand the correct way, and began helping him pick up a bit of his food which he placed up to my mouth instead.
"It's your food, you eat it.."
"No, c'mon. Just eat a little bit of it"
I sighed and complied, opening my mouth and took a little bite, eating it contently. Childe chuckled to himself a bit and began eating what was left of his food, occasionally giving me small bits of it for whatever reason. We thanked my moms for the food once we finished before we went back up to my room after a couple minutes of small talk with my moms. I grabbed my phone and sat down on my bed, doing my best to ignore Childe.
"Scaraaa~ Don't ignore mee.. Pleaseee?~" He whined.
I simply continued my instagram scrolling as he whined. Then, out of fucking nowhere he grabbed my face in a somewhat soft yet controlling manner and made me look at him.
"Childe what the fuck?-"
"Stop ignoring me Scara."
"Jesus- fine, what do you want idiot?"
"Hmm... c'mere" As he said so he pulled me into him to cuddle.
"...kiss me again..." I murmured. Luckily I wasn't loud enough for him to hear me but he definitely knew I said something.
"Speak up Scara, I can't hear you"
"Uhm..." I looked up at him, I could tell I was blushing, it wasn't something I could deny.
"Kiss me again... please?.." I asked.
He was silent for a moment before smiling. His smile was genuine. God, that smile made me feel all warm in my chest, but I loved that feeling so fucking much.
"Alright" He pulled me closer and kissed me once more, being gentle but also doing much more than earlier. He slipped his tongue in and I let him. I had been wanting this for longer than I realised I had. I practically melted into the kiss, allowing him to hold me close until he eventually pulled away. He smiled even more if possible and I simply buried my head in his chest to hide my smile because of how big said smile was.
"C'mon, look at meeee. Pleaseeee??" He asked, resting his head on top of mine. Eventually I looked up and Childe began giving me little kisses all over my face, causing me to laugh a bit since it tickled.
"Childee- Stopp-" I whined.
"Hehe... Y'know..." He smiled a bunch and held my cheeks in his hands.
"I love you Scara"
"I... I love you too.." I replied with a huge smile on my face and tears forming in my eyes.
"Hey hey, don't cry, please?"
I sniffled a bit and laughed before pushing him down on the bed, laying on top of him after he was lying down. Childe kept giving me more and more kisses on the top of my head and occasional small pecks on the lips, and if I said I wasn't giggling my fucking ass off because I was so happy I would be a fucking liar.
"We are dating now, right?" I asked, making Childe laugh and nod repeatedly, giving me another quick kiss. After a while, we were just cuddling while we where both on our phones doing random shit. I saw some guy on instagram who looked okay so I liked the picture and kept scrolling and eventually found one of Childe's and HOLY FUCK- I knew the guy was hot as fuck but this?? And of course I liked the picture as much as I could and also followed him. I heard a little giggle from him and looked up at him.
"Thanks for following me Scara" He said with another giggle. I smiled, relaxing a bit more and went onto TikTok, scrolling through my for you page.
Childe's POV:
For a while, I was mainly focused on watching the video I decided to watch on YouTube, but after a while I heard the same audio repeat itself well over 5 times from Scara's phone. I tapped under his chin to check up on him and when I saw his face, he seemed like he had been dozing off without noticing for a while now. I smiled to myself and chuckled.
"Let's get you to sleep, yeah?" I said patting his head.
I heard a small groan, but he didn't protest, he simply shut his phone off and buried himself into my chest.
"One second love, I'm gonna take my shirt off since my body is hot as fuck right now, okay?" I said, lifting his head up slightly.
Sleepily, he nodded and allowed me to take my shirt off and he once again buried himself into my chest comfortably. After about 15 minutes I heard soft snores from him so I quietly watched a couple random videos until I fell asleep myself.


I woke up randomly, probably because my chest felt lighter. I looked around the room which was essentially pointless since it was dark as fuck in here. I looked at my chest to find Scara gone. I sighed and got up off the bed, making my way downstairs as quietly as possible. I heard some noise in the kitchen so I entered, still being quiet and saw Scara in the corner on his phone, facing towards a coffee maker. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Why're you awake Scara?" I asked, causing him to flinch a bit and turn his head around.
"I- I woke up a bit ago and couldn't get myself back to sleep.." He murmured.
"Hm.. Is your coffee done?"
He nodded, picking it up and taking a small sip.
"Good." I picked him up after he put the coffee down and he squealed slightly.
"Ajax! Put me down!"
"You've gotta go back to sleep Scara, we have school in the morning" Scara groaned in response.
"Cant you pick me up in an easier way then? I feel like I'm gonna fall" He whined.
I hummed and put him down and he turned around to face me.
"Well? You just gonna stand there?"
"Give me a kiss first princess"
"Ughh- Fine! Don't call me that- Now bend down then"
I nodded and complied.
"God, you're really needy ginger.." He smiled as he said this before giving me a soft kiss. It wasn't too short like I expected from him and when he pulled away he tried to hide the large smile in his face. I picked him up, letting him hold the coffee mug carefully, putting his phone in his pocket too as we went back upstairs to his room. I took the mug from him, putting it on his bedside table. I set him down carefully on the bed and he put his phone on charge. Scara yawned, and when I looked over, he looked nervous, as if hoping I hadn't heard him. I chuckled and leaned on the bed with my knees and propped myself up with one hand next to him, the other on his thigh.
"What's wrong Scara? Tired?"
"N-no.. I'm not tired, j-just bored-"
"Oh?~ Bored hmm~..."
No One's POV:
Childe smirked and leaned in closer and closer to the shorter's ear.
Silence for but a moment.
"How 'bout I make you tired myself then hm?~"
1436 Words

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