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Hi! Sorry for taking so long- I was sick twice and I've started school again- Don't know if there is anything I should warn y'all about just yet, so enjoy!!

No One's POV:
Scara was flustered beyond belief. He couldn't believe it at all! Not only was Childe being flirty while his moms were home, but he also wanted to fuck. AGAIN.
"I-" Scara managed to stutter out before Ei entered the room, interrupting the two.
"Hi you two! Anyway, Kuni as much as I'm sure you'd like to continue whatever you two are doing, you need to come take your meds and also put your glasses on, you've not worn them since last week."
"I know you don't like them but I'd much rather you be able to see properly than 'look cool' got it?"
"Uhm, Mrs.Ei, if you don't mind me asking- Why does Scara need meds?"
"Ah, hm.."
"You can tell him mom, I don't mind"
"Thank you Kuni, anyway.. Kuni needs meds due to past trauma, I don't feel like I should elaborate further than that, but I think you get the idea, right?"
"Mhm, thank you Mrs-"
"You can just call me Ei whenever you're here Ajax."
"Ah- Thank you"
Scara got up from Childe's lap and followed his mom downstairs. Ei handed him a glass of water and a pill. Scara took the pill in his mouth and swallowed it with the water. 
"It's okay, also- here's your glasses Kuni"
Scara's cheeks flushed a bit with embarrassment as he put them on.
"Miko, don't laugh at him"
"Sorry- sorry-"
Surprisingly, Scara then hugged his mother.
"Shut up.."
Ei smiled as she hugged him back
"Something up?"
"C'mon, you can tell me, you know that"
"I-... Do you- Do you think that- Ajax actually loves me?..."
"Wha?- Now why would you think he doesn't?"
"I- I don't know- I just... What if he realises he doesn't actually like me and he leaves me and he hates me forever?!"
"Hey hey, Kuni. Calm down. I know you have your doubts, but trust me when I say, Ajax loves you. He's made that as clear as possible."
Scara sighed and nodded. 
"Now you go back up and see your boyfriend"
Ei smiled and kissed his forehead before Scara headed back up and went into his room again.
"Hi princess, c'mere"
Scara walked over and sat in Childe's lap again.
"Awww, you look so cute with them onnn~"
Scara whined and cuddled up close to Childe, who laughed a little and kissed the top of his head.
"Hehe, someone's feeling needy and affectionate all of a sudden huh?"
"... shut up..."
"Hey, calm down- I've not heard you speak like that since your first day at school- AH!-"
Scara hugged Childe and pushed them both onto the bed in the process, Childe somehow ending up on top which confused them both.
"Are you okay?"
"Are you okay Scara? You're concerning me and I want to make sure you're okay, and that I've not made you uncomfortable or anything on accident-"
"Oh- Uhm.. Yeah, I'm okay.. and you haven't made me uncomfortable, don't worry, you could never." Scara reassured giving Childe a smile and a quick kiss which Childe happily indulged in.
"I love you... Ajax"
"Heh, I love you too...Scaramouche"
This caused Scara to start giggling.
"Oh?? What's this? Is my baby giggling?~ And why's that??" Childe teased as he hugged and slightly tickled the giggling Scara, causing him to kick his feet a little and laugh more.
"HA!- S-Sorry- It's just- Pfff- I've not heard you- Use my- Full name- AH! once- Since we first met- PFFF- HAHAHA-" After barely being able to get that sentence out, Scara began laughing his ass off a lot, tears forming due to how much he was laughing and enjoying himself. Childe however, was extremely happy and excited to see this side of his once brooding and bratty boyfriend. Now don't get him wrong, Scara is still bratty, he's just sick this week so he's playing nice for now. Childe kept cuddling him, kissing him and tickling him, the two smiling more than they had ever done since they turned into teens.
"I love you princess. I really, really do love you. All of you. Every little bit." Ajax whispered to Scara before calming his laughter down with a kiss, which Scara gladly accepted, finally feeling content and at peace, his worried being quelled after hearing Ajax say that to him. To him. Ajax specifically said that to him. For some reason, to Scara, it just made him feel so much more loved and extremely special. He loved it. Who could've guessed this feeling would last longer than a couple minutes? They parted from the kiss and just stared at each other lovingly.
"Hm? Yeah?"
"Can we cuddle?"
"Of course we can, you don't have to ask"
Childe sat up and pulled Scara into his lap, kissing all over Scara's face and cuddling him close. It was so calm. So relaxing. It felt as though they were the only two people in the world. Scara's phone buzzed with notifications but he ignored them, gladly cuddling instead.
"Baby I think you should look at your phone-"
"C'mon- You know you'll get annoyed and look anyway, c'mon-"
"Fine, I'll look at it for you"
Childe picked up Scara's phone and looked at the notifications popping up. It was a bunch of messages. A lot of them too. Childe skimmed through them, doing his best to understand them. The person didn't have a saved contact but they had been talking regularly a lot, it just felt... off. The more Childe looked through the messages, the more worrying it got. The unknown person started getting more.. obsessive about the smallest things Scara was doing, wanting to know what he ate every meal and exactly how big the portions were, then decided whether Scara 'needed' to eat more or less based on the amount. The texts got more.. weird.. Like they'd known each other long before the messages. Like this person knew so much about Scara that at times, he would refer to Scara as 'Kunikuzushi' or 'Kabukimono' but whenever this person called Scara that, it always seemed to be used in a manipulative way.. Childe then looked further into the messages, concern growing more as he read on, the texting style slowly seeming more and more familiar to him. At one point, he didn't think he could read on...
The text read, "What did I tell you? You listen to me and what I say is good for you. You know that. Next time I see you, you'll get worse than last time." This suddenly piqued a large spike of panic in Childe. Worrying that Scara may have had an abusive ex or somtheing.. That theory was quickly pushed aside when he remembered they were still talking.. The other person mainly, Scara barely responding after a couple months down the line of their texts, only texting them once or twice here and there if needed. Scara was currently sat there, content in his lap, listening to his heartbeat, which was increasing as he read on more despite how much he really didn't want to. Reading on made Childe much more angry then he would've liked. And with Scara just listening to his heartbeat, he too realised something was up.
"Ajax?- Are- Are you alright?"
Scara lifted his head up and looked at Childe.
".. Can I see the messages?.."
Childe handed over the phone. Scara's heart dropped. 'Him?! Why- Why is he messaging me? I told him to leave me alone a long time ago... fuck.'
"Why don't you block him? And if you don't want to do that I can just message him-"
"N-no, no it's okay.. I just thought- I thought that he would've left me alone by now.."
Childe hugged him close and kissed his forehead.
"You don't have to tell me anything about him, let's just see what we can do to get him to leave you alone, yeah?"
"Yeah, I'd- I'd like that.."
The two then spent awhile looking through the messages, screen-shotting them for any form of legal action if necessary and then blocking him completely. Finally, they were relieved and could go back to being the stupid in-love idiots that they were.
Childe's POV:
Those messages were.. Worrying to say the least, but we sorted it out now, and we've got evidence if it's needed. So all I've got to do now is worry about Scara being here with me. Hm.. HOLY SHIT. I JUST REALISED SOMETHING.
"I just realised something"
"What is it?"
"I haven't taken you out on a date yet"
"Wha- pfff- 'course you haven't stupid- we were being horny the night we got together and I've been sick all day, and we've fucked already. But yeah, you haven't taken me on a date yet have you?" Scara said that all with a smug look on his face and a sarcastic tone. I mean- He wasn't wrong.. We almost fucked the night we got together, and we fucked earlier today- so fair-
"If you weren't sick right now I would deffo beat your ass"
"Oh? Beat my ass hmmm? What way?"
"Yes I did"
"You sly bastard!"
"Hehe, you love me thoughh"
"Yes. Yes I do.. Wait- It's Saturday tomorrow..."
"Ya think I would be able to stay for one more night?"
"Sure, my fever is probably gonna be gone by Sunday anyway, they never last too long."
"Good, means I can take you out on a date on Sunday then right?"
"I'd like that"
I smiled, sure it's nice to take care of Scara but I really want to take him out on a date, plus it'd be especially nice to go on a date while he's back to his bratty and moody personality, I'd like to see how I can make him react with what I've already planned out.
"Heyyy! The fuck you spacin out for?"
"Nothing princess, don't worry your pretty little head"
"Shut uppp.."
I'm gonna give Scara the best date ever✨✨ .. even if he's still sick-
No matter though, he deserves the world and more, so I'm gonna give him just that<3
1752 Words!
Sorry if this chapter is sorta lazy- But yeah, next chapter should be their date :D
Then we get to see stupid interactions in school after the date chapter :P ANYWAYS SEE Y'ALL- LOVE YOU ALL <3333

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