1: what are you?

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"Same shit different day." I spoke as I shrugged my shoulders while lazily dragging my sleepy figure to school, which was sadly, only a few blocks away from home. I was in my second year of high school, meaning it was my last year. Let's shake some ass.


As a kid, I've always liked music, music production to be precise. Beginning from my first encounter when I merely held a mic in my hands, and honestly, it sparked something in me, later leading me to my career path.

Chill, I'm still stuck up with school. But, dad agreed with my decision of not enrolling myself in a college and wasting a few more precious years of my life in doing shit I don't want to. So, this is my last year in school. Thankfully.

But it couldn't have been possible without the help of my only family; dad. He had raised me since day one, ever since mom left us. And no, she wasn't dead.

It was days later after my birth, that my dad found out about mom's affair with another guy, and being a cherry on top, it was then revealed that I wasn't his kid to begin with. I wasn't my dad's child. I was a mistake.

I still remember crying everyday after mom left us with nothing but a divorce paper, not even a single picture of her to keep her in our memories. However, I'm beyond grateful to have a father like him by my side, who, without any hesitance, decided to raise me even though I wasn't his biological child. He had a tough life, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let him continue to live that life.


Upon reaching school, I opened my classroom door, scanning the whole room full of kids chatting with each other, some gossiping, some throwing innuendos at each other, while some taking their daily dose of sleep until the dreadful lectures begin. I was already fed up of this school, and payed nearly no attention to any lectures, because I couldn't help but think only and only about music.

"Good morning class." A male voice made its way through my reverie, pushing me out of my trance, as I lazily gazed at the white writing board which was now beginning to be filled with numbers and letters written in black. Looked like scribbles to me, though.

As I began taking out my laptop to make notes, I couldn't avoid the sudden source of disruption, as another figure hurriedly barged amidst the lecture which had now started. Realising he was late, he bowed down several times while muttering a series of apologies, before the teacher finally turned around. Only to be met with the regular late comer, none other than, Jeon Juancock himself. "Not surprised. Mr. Jeon, you may now seat yourself because I assume you're disrupting the class's decorum." The teacher spoke in a stern but tired voice, as the latter responded with a subtle nod and proceeded towards the seats.

A boyish grin spread across his lips as he made his way towards a vacant seat, which so happened to me, next to my fucking seat. I internally banged my head against the desk as I wished to not be met with his annoying jokes and tactics to get him my attention. "Sup Ara-yah." He dragged excitedly, while I yawned, not before noticing the endearing suffix he had used after my name. I turned towards him with half closed eyes as I spoke, "It's Ara for you, Jeon." I said coldly, while returning back to copying down the doodles scribbled on the white board.

"We're supposed to use endearing terms when we're with people we know, so..." Jungkook trailed off, while clearly trying to prove his point. But I so happened to have had enough of him. "Why do you keep on trailing behind me like a lost puppy? Do you perhaps have a thing for me, Jeon?" I spoke, as a lazy and uninterested smirk tugged at my lips. I was determined to win this conversation, and I had to. "Hmm..." the guy thought about an explanation.

"Maybe because I'm lost in your love?" He made a corny comment, making me grimace in disgust before getting back to useless school work.

But what he didn't notice was the small smile etched on my lips, as I tried my best to not let it show.

Just what are you, Jeon? Everytime you talk to me, you just have to annoy the hell out of me. However...

I still end up beside you, everyday. I strangely find comfort being with you. Why? Just what are you?

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