2: abducted

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3rd Person POV

Waking up to another lazy day, the girl shifted under her covers while preparing herself mentally for school. She got off the bed as she slowly proceeded towards her study desk, placing her notes inside her bag. The pages were half empty. "I'm pretty sure I worked on my homework, how is it halfway done?" She muttered to herself, before entering her bathroom to freshen up.

After having changed into a comfortable set of clothes, a black turtleneck paired with black sweatpants and a black padded jacket, and finally a pair of white sneakers, she didn't feel like being all jolly today because it was a Friday, and her true and tired colours were showing up after a week of exhaustion. She then skipped out of her bedroom, moving towards the dining area where a man in his late 40s sat enthusiastically.

"You're awake, pumpkin." She rolled her eyes playfully at the nickname while sitting parallel to him at the table. "Don't call me that, Dad!"
"But you look like one!" He responded while she shrugged her shoulders while chuckling. "A French toast, again?" She asked while eyeing the breakfast meal, which had been consumed by them for a couple 100 days, as far as she recalled.

"You know I can't cook, plus fast food is a big no no." He reasoned while a small but soft smile tugged at the girl's lips as she got reminded of her single dad. "It's alright, I was just asking Dad."

Soon after, she left for school like any other day.


Ara's POV

I reached the school gates while gaping at the huge building standing before me. Heaving a sigh, I walked towards the building and to my classroom, but I couldn't help but feel quite paranoid. My guts told me something was going to go wrong today, which I had no idea about. I brushed off the ridiculous feeling, because I never believed in all that crap anyway.

As I entered the class, I couldn't help but notice the usual late comer was already seated on his seat, which was quite unbelievable, considering that there wasn't a single day where he hadn't come late to lectures. I walked towards him who was sitting beside me for the rest of the semester, unfortunately. "Hey Jeon." I greeted him, because that is the least I could do, as him and I had to practically stick together for the whole semester, so there was nearly no use of avoiding this walking hurricane.

As I greeted him, his eyes sparkled and a mischievous glint was visible in them, as though being surprised of the new change in my demeanour. "Do you have a fever, Arari?" He asked while suddenly jolting up from his seat and placing the back of his hand against my forehead. I yanked his hand off my head while the new nickname he used for me didn't go unnoticed. "How do you even manage to come up with these ridiculous names, if I might ask?"

"You see, I'm an exceptional human, plus being in love has it's own-" before he could rant on and on about him being in love, I pushed him down on his seat as I took my place and seated myself beside his giant sitting figure. The humanities teacher soon walked in.

"Please take out your textbooks, and also, place your homework sheets on my desk by the end of the class." Is all she spoke before beginning the boring ass lecture. I peeked inside my back to look at the half completed homework, but I could care less.

45 minutes into the lecture, I looked beside me and surprisingly Jungkook hadn't bothered me since the start. Not that I'm complaining. I was deep in thought, when I suddenly felt something hit me, lightly. I looked down at the fallen object only to make out that it was a ball of crumbled paper. I looked around the classroom before opening it carefully, to read out what it said:

Stay away from Jungkook. This will be your last day with him.


I looked at the girl with maroon hair, as she passed a sly smirk at me. The fact that I didn't even know her, and the fact that she drew conclusions about me being with Jungkook, was just...fucking weird?

I tore the paper before shoving it inside my desk, as I turned my head towards the board to pay attention to the class.

Somehow, the paranoid feeling in me, still didn't reside.


School had finally ended, meaning I could enjoy the weekend and have it to myself. As I walked towards my house, I couldn't help but sense this fear within me, asking me to go home as quick as possible. "What is wrong with me?" I scratched the back of my head as I made my way towards a familiar place: the dog café. It was pretty much the opposite way to my house, which made it even more time consuming to reach home. But I couldn't just miss out on doggos, you see.

I kept walking until I reached a certain curb where I suddenly stopped on my tracks. As I halted, I looked behind me because of the feeling of being followed by someone. But to no avail. I began walking again but something told me I shouldn't.

In my peripheral view, I witnessed a black van make it's way towards me as I clutched onto the zip of my jacket in nervousness, having halted on my tracks. The van suddenly came to an abrupt halt beside me, while my life flashed before my eyes, too exhausted and scared to face the seriousness of this situation.

Out came two men clad in black attires, just like me, besides the fact that I was a normal high schooler while they were...god knows what. One of them grabbed my wrist in a harsh manner and I knew for a fact that the gripped region would soon bruise up. I tried yanking their hands off my wrists, but couldn't. They were bulky, as hell. One of them muttered incoherent words before lifting me up and shoving me inside what seemed like the backseat of the black van. As I was pushed inside, another pair of hands wrapped a seeming piece of black mesh cloth, to work as a blindfold around my eyes, while taping my mouth and bounding my hands with a rope. I groaned and screamed for help, but guess I had no way out today.

Nice Friday.

From what I could hear (because that was the only available sense out of my five senses), I heard one of them yell at the other one, before both of them got into the back of the van. To my horror, the van soon started, it's engine whirring to life. "Mwhe aa yoo mwaking me?!" I tried to speak but my taped mouth wasn't helping at all. One of them clicked their tongue before lifting something heavy and metallic, and before I knew it, I was hit hard by the corner of the object, deeming me unconscious.

I was soon going to slip into unconsciousness, but from the bits and pieces of consciousness left in me, I heard the driver slam the steering out of frustration as another figure barged into the van, throwing the guy sitting beside me, out of the van.


The voice was strangely, familiar.

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