5: fragile transparency

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"Let's make babies."

As soon as those words left his mouth, a rush of adrenaline coursed through my system, making me all jittery. But what was more important in this moment was to knock some sense into his head.


"Ow! What is this about?" He said, whining while caressing his coconut shaped head, "THIS is what it's about! Why are you always so horny?" I said while gritting my teeth, all the while still staying in the same position. "And move your 500lbs worth legs off of me because you're practically suffocating me to death." I added, gripping his leg with my little hands, using all the strength left in me. "Okay, chill I'm moving-"


"Hey! How many times-" I yelled again, after realising the position we were stuck in. He tried desperately to get back up, but ended up slipping because of his legs. Boys really do skip leg day huh. But that wasn't the issue right now. It was the fact that his face was now just centimetres away from me, and I could feel his breath hitting my skin, triggering goosebumps. I could feel my breathing halt and then catch pace again, as I was trying to not to give in to the feeling that I enjoyed at the moment. The feeling of hormones raging inside me.

After several failed attempts, he finally stood up on his legs, like a newly born chick trying to see the world for the first time. "We have to get out of here, Ara." He said, now sounding serious. Looking around the shed, I figured it was not helpful enough to provide us even an ounce of warmth considering the freezing weather outside. And this meant, we had to get out of there. Now. "I mean I know this shed isn't doing much, but are you sure you'll be able to walk for another few hours? Because the last time I checked, you fainted-" I muttered the last sentence under my breath, making sure he didn't hear me.

But apparently, he did.

It didn't even take seconds to see the immediate spread of pink on his cheeks, as he tried to look everywhere but at me. This was my time to shine. Grinning ear to ear like a gremlin, I walked towards the embarrassed person in question, and smiled cheekily at him, while he stood there in pure confusion. Scratching at the back of his head, his eyes finally met mine as the corner of his lips turned up, realising that he had been caught. "So..." I took a step towards him, "You're not gonna faint again right?" I said in a whisper, while taking another step towards him. Only one step left and we'll be touching feet to feet. "N-no.." he said, in a quiet tone. And I took advantage of it. "I mean, even if you do, I can manage." I replied, suddenly noticing a hint of sparkle in his eyes as soon as he heard me. "You can manage?" He asked me, almost in a nervous manner.

But it sounded...

Very unsure. Very lonely. As if he didn't believe someone could handle him.

But why was I feeling like this? How could I see through him, just so easily?

"Yes, I can handle you. Jungkook." I said, but the silence that covered us like a blanket didn't go unnoticed. However, there was another feeling attached to it...? Perhaps,

Something transparent.

Something much more intimate.


"We successfully reached, without you fainting even once... Can you believe it?" I said, laughing loudly, as I witnessed him smile in return. "Yes, can you believe it?" He replied, his teeth on full show, just like that of a bunny. I couldn't help but smile again at him.

We walked for another 15 minutes until we reached a final stop. My feet stopped just before a gigantic wooden door that stood by a house. No, a mansion. A fucking mansion. I gaped at the view in front of me, because for one fact... I was broke. Broke as hell. "Are you done piercing a hole into the walls of my beloved niche?" He questioned, while leaning onto the door frame. And to tell you the feeling of bubbles in my stomach that arose while looking at him...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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