Hide and seek.

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I was sitting outside with Vicki, Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, Wilbur, Nihachu, Minx, and Fundy. We were all bored of just sitting around, "hey guys? What if we play hide and seek?" Nihachu said. "Sure." We all said. "I'll be it!" Minx said. As she started to count we all ran to our hiding spots around L'manburg, Wilbur hid in a barrel, Tommy hid in the chicken coop, Nihachu climbed a tree, Vicki went to hide in a field of grass, Fundy hid in the bamboo, Ranboo hid behind a pole not sure how that would hide him, "uhh... Ran?? I can still see you." I said, "shh no you can't! If I stand still long enough you won't be able to find me." They said and just laughed and went to go find somewhere to hide, Tubbo hid under a boat and I decided to hide out of all places in a bush. It was the closest thing! "29.....30! Ready or not here I come!!" Minx yelled. I was trying my best to stay still so I wouldn't give away my hiding spot. I'm not sure why I chose a bush too hide in though. Probably not the smartest choice. But oh well! We were all hiding perfectly fine when Tommy started screaming, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed and I heard a chicken going after him and I tried so hard to stay quiet and not laugh. Yeah he lost immediately. "Geez Simons be more quiet!" Minx said. Wilbur sneezed and it gave him away, Minx and Tommy ran over to the barrel and opened it, "come on! I thought this was a good spot," I heard Wilbur say and giggled a bit. Luckily no one heard me. They went to go find everyone else when they came across Ranboo, "Ran... I see you." Minx said, "Shh no you can't!" They said. "You're right there!" Tommy said, "if I stand still long enough you can't see me." Ranboo said. "Come on Ranboo let's go find Tubbo." Wilbur said. "Okay!" Ranboo said leaving the pole. "Oh Tubbo! Where are you!?" Wilbur said. They walked passed a boat and Ranboo decided to lift it up for fun and they let out a scream, "AHH!" They screamed. Tubbo just laughed as he rolled out from under the boat. They went to find Vicki, they walked past the grass field when they heard a cough. "Dammit!" Vicki muttered. "My Princess! Are you in that field!?" Tommy yelled. "No!" She said. "DON'T WORRY MY WOMAN I'LL FIND YOU!" Tommy yelled going into the grass field and coming out holding Vicki, "put me down Simons. Or should I say Tommysimpit!" Vicki said, "TOMMYSIMPIT" Wilbur said laughing, "okay we still need to find Sebi, Nikki and Fundy." Minx said. "We'll look for Nikki first." Minx said. They started walking when Wilbur spotted her in a tree. "FOUND YOU NIKKI!" Wilbur yelled. "Dang it!" She yelled as she jumped down. "Now we just need to find Sebi and Fundy." Tommy said. They all continued looking when they saw Fundy's tail sticking out from the bamboo. "THERE'S MY LITTLE CHAMPION!" Wilbur said. "Will!" Fundy yelled as he came out. "ALRIGHT SEBS! WE'RE COMING TO FIND YOU!" Vicki yelled. Man I'm surprised this has gone on for so long. After a few hours of looking, "alright Sebi we give up! You win!" Minx said. "Hmm they must have a really good spot." Wilbur said. Just then I fell out of the bush I was hiding in. "NO WAY! WE PASSED THAT BUSH ABOUT A THOUSAND TIMES!" Vicki said. "HA! LOSERS!" I said, Wilbur then grabbed me and started kissing my face. "EW! GET A ROOM!" Tommy and Vicki yelled. "OH SHUT UP!" Wilbur yelled.

Word count- 626

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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