2. Ahsaan

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It took me a moment to realize what happened before my eyes, I was frozen in my place, still covered in something red, while a man was lying before my eyes with a hole in his head, the screams of the women of the brothel hung in the acquainted with the alcohol.

I felt the footsteps behind me, as Aahil stood there, bent in a way where he was going to help me stand up, but even he was frozen, his face was straight, staring at the man who hasn't budged from his seat yet.

My father had stood up in surprise. The guards were already in action to take the person away from my sight, and my eyes had caught those pitch-black orbs, wavering something deep inside me.

The chaos started to disappear, people were out, the woman had run to their rooms, I was there, my dad's men were there, he was there and even his men were there.

He stood up finally. As he approached closer to where I was sitting, still all red. Aahil had pulled back from me, he was scared or not? I am not sure, but he chose to stay put.

He was right before my eyes, his sight had caught the look in mine while he squatted at my eye level, his face gleaming brightly.

“You look scared? Tara Raajnandan?” He whispered, the shock I was already in, ran deeper into my nerves, I can feel even Baba was caught off guard by the information. If he ain't the one who told him, how come he is aware of my real name? “Or Muqda? Kalipari? What should I call you?” He poked me with his words further.

He caught my hair in a tight grip, and my head fell back. While his face hovered on me, he was so close to me, our noses almost touching each other, his harsh breath was hitting me on my face, and another finger drove up from his free hand as he whipped the blood on my face.

“Stupid man. Nobody touches what I own. And if he must, it's a suicide not a Murder.” he talked to himself or me? Was so unsure. He left the light grip on my hair, as he pushed himself back on his feet.

“Ali Sahab. You were asking me, what I want in return to do your work. Weren't you?”



I was the worst sister anyone can have. I was standing by the rail, on the first floor to look at the Muqda dance, and the moment I heard the shot sound and saw the blood on Muqda, instead of helping her see what happened, I like a coward ran away from that place. I ran across the red long hallway, to come down here inside the room, I entered turned shut the door, and rested myself on the door, taking deep breaths from all the running.

My heart beat so strong, I was the worst, how can I?

I cried at my cowardice, my hands on my face while I fall on the floor whimpering within myself.

I couldn't hold back in, all of these have been a nightmare. How will we ever overcome this? How? I wondered crying deliberately.

“Any, last wish?” suddenly a masculine voice rang in the room, and all fear and pain turned into a wave of shock, my face rose to find the source of that sound, and there he stood hawking at me with a cigarette in his mouth. I saw him earlier beside the man who shot, he looks like him a little.

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