Chapter 1

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Here's the thing. Even laying here bloody and beaten on the cement floor. I can still abserve. That's the amazing thing about vision. Hearing I can tell when they're coming. But talking I never understood. What's the point, when you're going to get beaten for it. So I don't talk. I don't even write. Advenfully I have to get off the blood stained cement. I stand up slowly. Then make my way over to the sink. I wash all the blood off. The lighting may be bad, but I can still see it go down the drain of the titanium sink. I brush my hair that falls to my shoulders. Today i feel like a boy. So today I will wear it down. I put on some old ripped clothes that don't fit me right. Then put on my shoes with the souls coming out. That are probably two sizes too small. I put my old ripped Jean back pack over my good shoulder. Then proceeded to pop the other one back in place. I bite the inside of my mouth to stop from screaming. I make a sling out of an old jacket. I keep my head down as I slowly and lightly walk up the stairs. Hoping they don't see me. They do. Dad throws a beer bottle at me. I ignore it and keep walking. "Clean that up." He says, his voice harsh. I grab the broom and clean it up quickly. Then walk out the door. I walk past Sarah she's taking pictures like always. When I walk in I see the familiar average highs boy. With his hand on the strap of his bag. Making his way through the school. His hair some what in order. I pick up my pace, and hug him from behind. Well the best I can with a sling and with a bag on his back.

"Sky!" He says, turning around. I let go, and back up. His eyes immediately go to my arm. "They did this." He doesn't ask. He knows better then to ask. I nod my head anyway. He sighs, and shakes his head. His dads glasses sliding down his nose. I take them off of him, and try my best to put them on my face with only one hand. He takes them from me then puts them on me. "Not bad, but can I have them back?" He asks, he always try's to make me laugh. He never succeeds. At least he tries though. I hand them back to him. He slides them up his face. We walk into first together. I sit in front of him. Someone who I've never seen before walks in. He has messy blond hair, and blue eyes. He sits next to Sam. Sam nods to him before saying "I'm Sam Goode." He then points to me. "That's sky she doesn't talk much." I wave a little.

"I'm John smith." He says, I nod. Something happens and he runs out. Besides that the school day was pretty unenventful. The second I walk in the door. My dad pushes me against a wall. He hits me hard. He doesn't stop. Mom joins in. I fall the the ground. They continue to hit me. I can't think anymore. My vision is all blurry. I hear sirens. They don't stop. I can't breath. I can't keep my eyes open. I have to. I can't die. I can't leave sam alone. So I fight. The police busts the door open, and arrest them. Marks dad I can't remember his name. Squats next to me.

"Hang on kid, the abalance is almost here." I take his hand, and trace out Sam. Then I pass out. I wake up to the bright hospital lights, and steady beeps of the mechans. I glance around the room to see mrs goode and Sam sitting in some chairs against the wall. Sam notices me first. He walks over to the side of my bed. Leaning on the rail.

"Don't try to move." He starts off with. He's not wearing the glasses, and he looks exsasted. How long have I been out? "Your parents are in jail. You're staying with us temporary. You were beat so bad you have five broken ribs. A broken arm. You had a ruptured spleen they fixed that. A broken leg. And the bottom half of your face has been burned and cut." He finishes. I don't remember that. Maybe I was in so much pain I couldn't tell the difference. "They said they might be able to release you in a couple of days." He yawns. I reach up to him with my good arm, and squeeze his arm. He nods to me. "Go, get some sleep sky." He only knows my name because a teacher told him. He's also the only one who ever cared enough to ask. I know he's right. I do need sleep. I just don't know if I can. "We should go before we're kicked out." He says, squeezing my good hand. They leave, and I somehow mange to get to sleep. I have dreams like I always do. Dreams that always tend to come true. I close my eyes to see a boy with shaggy black hair, and dark eyes. He's very muscular. He walks out of a cell, and i see John, and the familiar stance of Sam standing there. Watching him. Then nothing. That's how it always is. When I wake up a doctor is checking my vitals.

He nods to me. "Everything looks good. How do you feel?" I wave my hand over to the side. To say so-so. He nods. Then writes down on his clipboard. "An officer might be by later to question you. If that's all right." I nod again. He leaves. I take my hand and slightly pull at my hair. At least that didn't change. I look around to see if there's anything I can use to pull it back with. No luck. I'm the only person in my family with dark skin red hair and grey eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't kidnap me at birth.  I switch through the channels on the small tv. The only thing that seems to be on is the news. I see both of their faces. I turn it off. I stare at the wall. So many thoughts cross my mind. Who is that boy? Why were we heliping him? Why weren't we in paradise? Am I truly going to be ok? I don't have any answers.

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