𝟎𝟒, little delilah

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❝delilah, you're the apple of my eye, meow

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delilah, you're the apple of my eye, meow.
- delilah, queen

- JUST LIKE THEY had said, Aurora joined the boys for breakfast that Friday. Alice was surprised when Aurora was actually awake before her, that was a very rare occurrence and only happened a when she was looking forward to something. Aurora walked into the hall that morning and saw Peter waving her over. She smiled lightly and gave a small wave as she walked towards the group of boys. "Good morning" She greeted softly, sitting down beside James, across from Remus.

When she looked at Remus her face fell slightly. "Are you feeling okay, Remus? You're looking a little pale" Aurora asked, real concern in her eyes. "Nothing to worry yourself over Aurora, just didn't sleep very well last night that's all" Remus forced a smile to ease her worrying but he could see she didn't fully believe him. Nonetheless, she was going to push for the actual truth. "If you say so" She shrugged with a slightly quiet voice.

Remus had become rather equipped at lying to people. It's not that he liked lying, it was really for his own safety. It was a full moon tonight and he honestly felt like a train had hit him but he always gets like this the morning before so he was somewhat used to the feeling. He doesn't really have much choice but to get used to it. However when he said he didn't sleep well, that was the truth. He would kill for a good nap.

Someone in the hall had a radio and was blasting music but it actually made for quite a nice vibe as the tune of 'Dancing in the Moonlight' echoed around the hall.

Aurora subconsciously tapped her foot to the rhythm as her head nodded slightly, her fingers twirling a stray piece of hair. Remus watched as Aurora placed a blueberry muffin on her plate along with some strawberries and grapes. "You're very healthy" James pointed out from next to her. "I have this every morning" She informed him, glancing up at him for a moment and flashing him a warm smile.

Aurora glanced up at Remus who was staring down at his food with a sad look on his face, maybe he really wasn't feeling good. She could see his eyes looking ever so tired and his body language showed that his body really needed to rest. "Excuse me a minute" Aurora said quietly as she stood up from the table. She wandered towards the tea pot that sat further down the table. She grabbed a tea cup from a tray and sat it down on the table.

She reached into her bag and pulled out a box of lavender tea bags. Her mum always used to joke about how her bag was like the one Mary Poppins had, she always had everything in there. She placed the bag into the cup before pouring boiling water into it from the pot. Then she added a small teaspoon of sugar to top it off with a sweet taste. As she stirred the drink the group of boys were joined by a group of girls.

"Who's that cutie, boys?" Marlene asked, leaning down, placing her elbows on the table as she snapped the boys' eyes away from watching what she was doing. "Remus's new girlfriend" Peter teased making Mary gasp. "Finding someone for the Christmas holidays perhaps" she said in a cheery tone, quickly pointing a teasing finger at Remus. "She's just a friend" Remus assured, rubbing his temples to soothe his headache. "Yeah, me and Dorcas are just friends too" Marlene added sarcastically.

"Leave him alone" Lily defended in a warning tone to her friends as Aurora came walking over. The girls took a seat a little further down the table, planning on introducing themselves to the girl when she sat down. Aurora took her seat once again and softly placed the tea cup in-front of Remus. He looked at the teacup before looking up at her with a slightly confused look.

"It'll help you feel better, trust me, it will probably help you get some sleep as well" She informed him making a small surprised, yet grateful, smile appear on his face. "Thank you, that was very kind of you" he said with a look on his face that meant she really meant it. She just nodded with a soft smile on her face before tucking back into her breakfast, glancing up at him a couple of times as she ate.

A relief seemed to flow throughout Remus's body as he drank the tea, the pain in his joint relaxed, his headache slowly reduced and he could feel himself becoming more relaxed. "That's the cutest fucking thing I've seen in my entire life" Dorcas announced to the girls, placing a hand over her heart dramatically as she watched the pair.

Aurora looked to her side when she felt James tap her shoulder. "I think they want to talk to you" He informed her, pointing at the girls who waved Aurora over when she looked at them. She smiled nervously at the girls before shuffling down the bench slightly to sit closer to them. She had seen them around school and they seemed nice enough but she couldn't help being nervous.

"I've never seen Remus look that at ease, what did you put in his tea?" Lily asked curiously when Aurora reached them. "Oh just a bit of lavender and sugar" she told Lily. "You must have slipped some drugs in there as well though, he's never that relaxed" Marlene jokingly asked making Lily smack her arm. "I'm Lily Evans, that is Marlene McKinnon, and then these two girls are Dorcas Meadowes and Mary Macdonald" Lily introduced making Aurora smiled kindly at each of them.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Aurora Watson" After that the girls delved straight into conversation, asking Aurora random questions to get to know her. Aurora was shocked and stunned at how quickly she became comfortable around them. They just seemed to radiate a welcome aura that made her feel somewhat at peace when talking to them.

"So you like baking then?" Dorcas asked making Aurora nod. "Baking is not for me, you either make the cake too big or too small so then it's a struggle to eat it" Mary complained. "You could share the cake you know, Mary" Marlene commented making Mary nod slowly.

"You could... but what you actually do is hoover the whole lot before anyone else can get a bit" Mary said nonchalantly before plopping a grape in her mouth. Marlene shook her head, mumbling about how she was greedy followed by a few expletive words.

Aurora couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the girls reply. The girls began chatting, as they did Aurora felt something brush against her leg under the table. Her face screwed up in slight confusion as she leaned back slightly to see what it was. Right down at her feet was a tabby cat looking back up at her with its big green eyes.

"Is this one of your cats?" Aurora asked the girls as the cat hopped up onto the bench beside Aurora, rubbing against her arm. "Nope, there are a couple stray cats around here though, people who graduate sometimes don't bother bringing them home and just leave them" Lily explained. "That's awful" Aurora gasped slightly.

The tabby cat jumped up onto the table and sat directly in-front of Aurora making her bring her hand up to scratch behind its ear. "She doesn't have a name tag or anything" Aurora pointed out. "Must have been left then" Marlene said as she shovelled her breakfast into her mouth.

"Poor thing, you've come to the right person though" Aurora spoke quietly to the cat, holding its head lovingly in her hands. "We'll call you Delilah" She decided and smiled when the cats tail wagged slightly as she spoke.

"Got a new friend there, Aurora?" Remus asked as she came walking back over to the boys with the cat in her arms. "Yup" She said, popping the 'p'. "This is Delilah" Aurora informed him, holding the little cat in her arms gently, showing her off to the boys as she sat down. "Have you ever had a cat before?" Peter asked making her shake her head.

"I've only ever had a dog" she told him as she placed Delilah down on her lap who then curled up against her comfortably. "But how hard can it be?"

It turned out be harder than she first thought. Within the first few days, Delilah had clawed the drapes that hung around Aurora's bed. She didn't stay mad at her for long though because the little cat seemed to know how to make her heart melt and find out how to make sure she wasn't mad for long.

After Delilah had clawed her drapes she cuddled up in Delilah's arms and gave her a kiss. How could Aurora stay mad after witnessing such cuteness? It was impossible in her opinion. Delilah had taken over her dorm room but quite honestly from the moment she wandered up to Aurora she loved her, you could say she was the apple of her eye.

She made Aurora very happy and even managed to relax her when she was feeling anxious. It seemed like they both needed each other.

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