𝟏𝟑, anything for him

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❝be my baby, i'll look after you

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be my baby, i'll look after you.
- look after you, the fray

— "YOU WANT ME TO help you with Remus' furry problem?" Snape questioned, clearly unimpressed at what Aurora was suggesting to him. "Well, Sirius said you knew and you're great at potions, please I'll do anything" She begged making Snape raise his eyebrows curiously. "Sirius knows you're asking me this?" He asked. "Not quite, he told me you knew and then ran off but please I'll do anything you want" She continued, clasping her hands together hopefully.

"Anything I want?" He asked making Aurora nod rapidly. "If I do this for you, you have to get the ingredients" He began. "Oh of course, how much would it cost?" She questioned making him snicker. "You can't buy it in Hogsmeade, the ingredients are too special for that" He informed her.

"Does the school have some? I could steal it" She suggested not fully believing the words falling from her mouth. "If you want to get the ingredients you'll have to go in there" Snape raised his hand and pointed out the window making Auroras eyes follow. When she saw what he was showing her eyes widened. "The forbidden forest?"

"The forbidden forest" He confirmed with a nod, smirking gleefully. "Right fine" She grumbled; a look of absolute nerves etched into her face. "Anything else?" She asked, tucking her hair behind her ears. "You need to come to Slughorn's party with me tonight" he said, leaning back in his chair.

Aurora had heard people talking about the party. It wasn't like his normal parties; people were able to invite more than one person this time. "As a friend?" She asked quietly. "As my date" He stated. "I thought Slytherins would rather be caught dead than be seen like that with a Hufflepuff" She muttered, rubbing her arm.

"You're different, they all look at you like you're the only girl in the world when you walk by, they love you" Snape informed her but she could tell that the love he was talking about wasn't the kind in her romance movies and suddenly she felt very small under his gaze, pulling her coat tighter around herself. He wanted to use her as a piece of meat.

"I don't know" She shrugged, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. "You want to him to forgive you don't you and I won't help you if you don't do this for me"

"Oh and don't tell anyone about the arrangement, otherwise I won't help" He warned her as he packed up his stuff.

So despite the sickening feeling building up inside of her she agreed. If it meant he would forgive her, she'd do it.


AND SO THAT NIGHT Aurora stepped out of the Hufflepuff dormitories to find Snape waiting for her, dressed in a set of smart robes. "Couldn't have worn something a little less..." He began, trailing off as he scanned over her outfit. "Little less what?" She questioned. She wore a dress that went down just below her knees and when she picked out a dress she made sure it filled covered her chest.

𝗔𝗨𝗥𝗢𝗥𝗔 - r. lupinWhere stories live. Discover now