Sansa VII

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The last few weeks Sansa had been growing far closer to her new handmaidens. They were not the ones Cersei had appointed to her, those girls never spoke to her much and were sour towards everyone, no, Sansa's new handmaidens belonged to Kayne. Ros and Marei. He had instructed them to watch over her while he was away in the Stormlands trying to prevent the war from escalating, and the two girls had been so kind to her. They were becoming more than just servants to her, they were starting to become her friends. She had missed having friends, she had not seen Jeyne Poole since Cersei had her taken away.

"I hope this war ends soon." Marei spoke up in her usual soft tone as she delicately brushed Sansa's hair while Ros tied up the laces on her bodice, she felt her dresses growing tighter around her chest each day as her budding breasts grew.
"So do I. I want to return home. I miss Winterfell." Sansa realised that if Joffrey won, she would most likely never see the North again.
"I miss the North too sometimes, but I make much more money here than I did in Wintertown." Sansa had forgotten that Ros was also from The North.
"I forget you worked in Wintertown." Sansa said apologetically.
"Oh yes. I even knew your older brothers and Lord Theon." She continued and Sansa gasped as the dress clenched tight around her chest, she would need new ones and soon.
"Truly? You know Robb and Jon?" She asked
"Oh yes. I knew Robb very intimately-" Ros began before Marei swatted at her.
"Behave you!" She chastised her friend before Ros continued.
"Jon though, I only met him the once and he left rather quickly." She explained.
"Why was that?" Sansa pried further, she could not imagine Jon being rude or unkind.
"Because he saw her face." Marei japed from behind her.

Both Sansa and Ros's mouths fell agape at the joke though Ros soon began to laugh.
"That is cruel. I think you are both very beautiful." Sansa said as the Northern girl finished tying up her dress and Marei set down her hairbrush, instead holding up a Myrish mirror so that Sansa could see how she had styled her hair, it was a beautiful series of braids tied together with a baby blue coloured ribbon.
"Why thank you milady, and Kayne certainly agrees." Ros grinned and lowered her hand to rest on the small swell of her belly. Sansa's eyes  followed her hand and she felt her heart sink. She knew both Ros and Marei were pregnant with Kayne's child, and were around three months into their pregnancy. They were both very happy about it when they found out, and Sansa was happy for them, though it made her ponder about what her own pregnancy will be like. Will it have to be with Joffrey? What if Robb wins the war? Will she mother some Northern lords sons? What if Stannis were to win? Would he marry her off? Maybe to Kayne? That thought surprised her, but Ros and Marei seemed so excited to have his children, they seem to think he would be a good father, and they often gossip and giggle about his attributes with love making.

"Are you not nervous about being mothers?" She questioned and both shook their heads.
"Many women my age already have half a dozen children." Ros giggled.
"And I used to help out with my friend Lyra's son at the brothel. I'm excited to have a child of my own." Marei explained and Sansa nodded before looking down at her purple dress, down at her own flat stomach and wondering what she would look like with a swollen belly. But who would want a child with her? She was just the daughter of a traitor. Though Ros and Marei were just servants, servants who used to be whores at that, and Kayne still wanted them. Perhaps he would want her? She chastised herself for the very thought of that, he was her cousin and a bastard himself at that, besides he already had two beautiful women, why would he want her.

"Do you wish to dine alone again tonight milady?" Marei then asked as they walked from Sansa's bedchamber into the adjoining room where she had a table set out and where the servants had left a small meal for her.
"No. No I'd like you both to join me tonight. I'd be glad of the company." Sansa said with a wide smile and both of them nodded.

They sat together at the table and ate the food that had been brought, it was a small roasted foul with onions, potatoes and gravy as well as a leak soup. She wished that they had lemon cakes, she missed the taste of them. She had not been allowed them recently, Joffrey had restricted the amount of food she was given since Kayne had left for the Stormlands, though he hadn't had her beaten since the time Tyrion and Kayne had both stepped in.

Once they had eaten and enjoyed some Dornish wine, the hour grew late. The sun set and darkness poured in the windows as Ros and Marei went about tidying everything away and blowing out the candles. Once they had done that Sansa sent them to bed, their new chambers being just outside her bedchamber so she could call them if she needed them during the night. She undressed herself before pulling on her sleep shift and climbing into her bed, settling down beneath the furs and staring up at the ceiling. She had found that sleep would not come easy to her lately, she had felt much more uneasy with Kayne gone from the city. He was her safety here, without him she dreaded to think of what would have happened to her during the riots of King's Landing, or when Joffrey ordered his King's Guard to strip her. They were knights, meant to be noble and protect the weak, Kayne was a bastard and yet he was more knightly than all of them combined. He would be back with her soon Sansa hoped.

With that thought in mind, and a slight smile upon her face, Sansa began to drift off slowly to sleep.

"NO! NO STOP!-" the screams woke her suddenly, panting in fear as cold sweat dripped down Sansa's back. It was unmistakably Ros's voice. Perhaps she was having a nightmare? Sansa had been having them herself of late, ever since the riots. She quickly shoved aside the furs of her bed, climbed out and slid her feet into her slippers. She did not bother to put on anything over her sleep shift, Ros and Marei had seen her bare when they helped her bathe after all. She pushed open the door from her bedchamber and turned the corner to enter Ros and Marei's. They weren't alone.

Ser Meryn Trant and Ser Mandon Moore grabbed at the girls, ripping them from their beds and tearing their sleep shifts. Sansa wanted to scream but when she opened her mouth no noise came out. She wanted to run for help but found herself frozen to the spot in shock. And then she realised, who would help her. Kayne was gone. Half a dozen Lannister guards filed into the room.
"Fucking bitch scratched my eye." Meryn Trant spat on Ros as two of the guards held her down while Mandon Moore grabbed Marei by the back of her neck and tried to push her out of the room.
"No! No please no! We work for lady Sansa!" She could see the tears streaking down Marei's pale cheeks as Moore tried to push her.

Sansa mustered what courage she could and stepped towards.
"Let them go! They are my handmaidens and you will not lay a hand upon them." Her voice was shaky as she had to fight to hold back her own tears.
"Queens orders. This doesn't concern you." Trant then spat at Sansa's feet.
"I- I- lord Tyrion will-" she began before she felt the cold steel of Trant's fist collide with her face. She was launched backwards, gasping and coughing for air as her back hit the stone floor.

She looked up to see Trant kneel down beside Ros as the Lannister men pushed her to her knees.
"Take them somewhere quiet. Each of you can have a turn as a reward." Marei cried louder at his words and began to beg, plead, even telling him that she and Ros were with child. That only made him more. Sansa felt so helpless, they had done so much for her and she could only watch as they were dragged away kicking and screaming. She felt hot tears begin to streak down her cheeks.

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