Chapter 6 - Weak

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"Okay Omega, when you're finished cleaning the bathroom, there's some dirty laundry that needs taking to the Washroom. Make sure to tell them not to put too much detergent in it this time, it makes my skin itch."

"Yes Sir" Stefan gritted out, trying not to snarl while Savan growled and complained in his head at the blatant disrespect.

It was mortifying. Being placed as an Omega. He was an alpha-born wolf, due to inherit his father's alpha position. Yet here he was sweeping floors and scrubbing toilets, and his father was paying a half million dollars per term for the privilege!

This was how Lupus Maxima operated. There were one hundred students per year, divided into four classes of twenty five, with the five weakest in each class being made the class Omega and assigned all the menial tasks. Each 'Omega' had to serve four classmates each week for a month, when their class scores would be tallied they would be re-assigned.

For two months now, Stefan had found himself at the bottom of the class. He couldn't understand it. From the beginning, it was clear to him that he was academically superior to most of his classmates, especially Math and Accounting. Okay, so he needed to work on his English and Spanish, but why would he need to be good at those? And why the hell would he need Legal Studies? He wasn't going to be a lawyer?

But his true humiliation came on the training ground. His first day. His first defeat. The first of many.

He had yet to win a match.

It still stung. He was matched to fight against a Delta wolf. He looked at this scrawny 5 ft 8in teenager in front of him and thought it'd be a cakewalk for him.

As it turned out, it was a cakewalk, for the scrawny Delta. Yep, the little 140lb Delta kicked his 180lb 6ft ass. A Delta, two steps up from an omega, handed him his ass. For the first time in his life, Stefan Saunders needed to go to the Nurse's Office for treatment. Broken nose, which had to be reset, ribs which had to be bandaged until they healed, dislocated shoulder and knee, which both had to be popped back in again. If he had thought the pain of having a dislocated shoulder was bad, it was twice as bad having it popped back in again. Nurse Robinson (or Ratchet, as the students liked to call her) was a person, whose calling would not (and should not) have been patient care, she was a clinically cold and operational person. Some of the students would swear that she took pleasure in inflicting more pain on them, and most preferred to not go to her office, and opted to treat themselves and each other as much as they could.

No longer was he the golden boy, who would be treated with respect wherever he went. Now, he was a student who had to earn his place. There were no favourites here, or there weren't supposed to be. It became clear that there was some level of, let's call it 'accommodations' to certain students. Like the Alpha in his class, who was clearly the most academically challenged person Stefan had ever met. This guy, Randall Harpers, this guy was two months away from 18, in 10th grade!! He was adored by the leadership in Lupus Maxima. He was held up as an example of a great future Alpha!

Stefan could not understand this. Randall was once asked what the product of 9 by 8 was. His answer: 74! He was asked in Legal Studies class how he would resolve a dispute with a neighbouring pack. His answer: Attack them and kill their alpha! This guy was a shining example of a blockhead! A Neanderthal. If he were to be the future of werewolves, then werewolves were gonna go extinct!

But on the training ground, this guy was to be feared. He was a machine. Built like a tank. Six foot five inches tall, two hundred and fifteen pounds of muscle. It was said that he fought with the Royal guard and won. The tutors in Lupus would give him extra credit out of nowhere, he was never penalised for coming to class late, he could do no wrong. Stefan noticed that there was two other students who would get special attention from tutors. But in a negative way; both him and another student in his class. A guy by the name of John Slateman. John had been at Lupus for the entire term, meaning two months longer than Stefan.

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