Chapter 7 - Best Laid Plans

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Almost Two Years Later

It was January 29th, and just like every January, it felt like it had dragged out to January 59th. Sarah and Julie walked together from Math class to head to their last class when they were stopped by an announcement over the school intercom.

"Will Sarah Delaney please head to the front office immediately. Sarah Delaney to the front office immediately."

Sarah looked at her friend with surprise. "Wonder what's that all about?" She asked, with a quizzical expression, "I haven't done anything to involve me being called to the front office?"

"Maybe it's about track training or college placements? Aren't they trying to get everyone to settle on their career choices this term, we only have a few months before graduation."

"No." Sarah replied to her. "I've already spoken with the career guidance before Christmas, I told them that I'm still set on warrior training, and pleaded with them to forward my application to the Kingsguard Training Battalion, but Shaw sniggered and told me my scores weren't good enough."

"Ugh! He is so hateful." Julie answered. "He always says that to the girls and whoever else he thinks Alpha disapproves of. You have better scores than more than half of the class. You even beat Simon Collins last year in wrestling for summer finals and he was given the green light to attend Kingsguard Training."

"Yeah, ain't that a bitch! Anyways, I better get moving and see what I've been called for, I'll see you later. Don't leave for home without me, 'kay."


Class came and went with no sign of Sarah, Julie went to her locker to collect her books and wait on her friend. While she was sorting through her stuff, Sarah came up to her, ashen faced and red eyed. Julie saw her and immediately asked what was wrong.

"I, I, I've just had a meeting with Alpha Pierre and Principal Rathbone." Sarah informed her shakily. "He basically just commanded me to start my F.Q. the day after I turn eighteen."

"What??? Are you sure??? Did you maybe pick things up wrong???"

"No, no way. He was very clear. I am to submit a provisional travel plan by the tenth of February. With the start date being the twentieth of February."

"But we were gonna wait, and do our F.Q.s together after graduation - ??? Hey, wait, what the hell?? What about graduating?? You still have to sit Finals and hand in your assignments and practicals??? You could be given failing grades if you don't submit your work??"

"Yeah, I know," Sarah responded gloomily to a shocked Julie. "I pointed all of this out to both of them, and I was told that I would be given a special dispensation which would enable me to graduate early with my current 3.4 GPA."

"That's not fair!" Raved Julie. "With the work from your practical assignments, you would have got at least 3.8 or 3.9. You always do excellently at practicals."

"Yeah, well that's they said, but wait till you heard the kicker in all this..."

Julie looked at her and waited for her announcement. Sarah looked like she was struggling with what to say. She took a deep breath.

"He alpha commanded me to not tell my parents of this till the day of my birthday. "

"Why the hell would he do that???"

"I have no idea."

Julie looked around surreptitiously and decided they should finish this conversation privately. She initiated a mindlink with Sarah.

"Is he still in the school? The Alpha, I mean?"

"I dunno? Why are you mindlinking, and why do you wanna know if he's still here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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