𝙱𝚒𝚐 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚜...

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It's a early in the morning and inside the bunker library, some of the survivors from apocalypse world are up talking amongst themselves. Bobby and Mary are inside the war room, talking and drinking their coffee.

Meanwhile down the hall, inside of Dean's room he's asleep in bed. He slowly opens his eyes, and yawns.
Dean picks up his phone from his night stand, reads the time on his screen which reads 10: 20 AM. He puts his phone down, then rolls over and looks down at Elena who's sleeping peacefully next to him.

"Lena..Lena." Dean Says, gently caressing her cheek as she's still asleep.

"What?, I'm sleeping." Elena Says, muffled.

"It's time to get up." Dean Says, lifting up one of her eye lids.

"Mm..give me about five minutes." Elena Says

Elena rolls over the other way shoving his face away, Dean chuckles.

"Okay, Lena five minutes.." He kisses her on the forehead, "Five minutes." Dean Says

"Mm sure..." Elena Says, then drifts off asleep and starts snoring.

Dean gets up from the bed and slips on his slippers at the foot of his bed. He opens the door, and walks two doors down to a room, opens the door to Elena's old room and flips on the switch, and the sound of cooing is heard, Dean walks over to a crib and looks down at his daughter.

"Hey Baby girl." Dean Says, smiling.

Wren looks up at her father, a smile formed on her face and a little giggle came out of her. Dean picks her up, and kisses her cheek.

"Good morning, did you sleep well huh." He sniffs the air, and grimaced, "Is that you?" He lifts her up and takes a quick whiff of her butt. "Yup, okay diaper change first then you'll eat." Dean Says

Dean sets Wren down on a changing table and starts changing her, he grimaces at the poopy diaper and Wren laughs.

"Geez, Wren." Dean Says

Dean opens up the wipes container and wipes Wren up and down then applies the diaper cream and puts it on her, then Dean puts on a new fresh diaper on Wren and zips up her onesie.

"And we're done." Dean Says, as Wren smiles.

There's a knock on the door, Dean turns around and sees Sam standing near the door frame

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There's a knock on the door, Dean turns around and sees Sam standing near the door frame.

"Look who's up." Sam Says

"Morning." Dean Says

"Morning." He enters the room, he holds his arms out and Dean hands Wren to him. "Hey Wren." Sam Says, as Wren touches his hair.

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