Chapter 17

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"Park Jihoon what is happening ??" Junkyu asked almost raise his voice when the latter still haven't speak.

"..... I'm scared.."

Jihoon finally speak after he took some courage to speak with his best friend again.

"Where are you ? I'll be there" Junkyu asked immediately while meeting up Haruto's eyes. The vampire male seems to understand what is happening so he ready to go to his room to pick his car key along with his wallet and phone.

"At my own apartment" Jihoon replied shortly earn a nodded from Junkyu thought his best friend could see it. "Don't go to anywhere else. I'll be there" he shoved his phone inside his pocket then look at Haruto who was talking with someone through his phone.

"I'm sorry bro for bothering you this late.." Haruto apologize then turn off his phone. "Yoshi will be here in 15 minutes so-"

"You don't have to go with me. I can handle this" Junkyu cut him and snatch the car key from Haruto's hand.


"Please look for Woojin for a while and tell Yoshi not to come. I'll call you if I need something. Don't try to stop me. Just trust me, I'll be okay" he assured Haruto with a soft smile.

Haruto sighed in defeat then smile "Fine. Be careful" Junkyu nodded then walk out from Haruto's luxury apartment with a little rush.

Right in front of Jihoon's apartment, he knock it waiting for his best friend to open the door for him. Right after a few seconds, Jihoon unlocked the door and Junkyu can saw a teary eyes of Jihoon "Jihoonah.. did someone bothering you ?"

The male keep shaking his head signing to him there's no one bothering or hurting him. "But I have something to tell you..." Jihoon speak before he let the dhampir male to enter his apartment. Junkyu head inside without saying anything. He badly want to come and hug his best friend after a long time.

Silent hit inside the living room accompany by a sound from television. "I'm sorry.." Junkyu finally speak breaking their long silent. Jihoon didn't response and just watch the television even though he really not watching it.

"I'm sorry for not telling you the truth about myself. I just can't bring myself to tell you about me for not being a human. If you want to cut tie with me, I understand. It's for your safety too." Junkyu added again pressing his lips afterwards as it's hard for him to let out the last two sentences from his mouth. Cutting tie with his childhood friend, his only friend, best friend and not to mention about their brotherhood.

Jihoon sighed then turned off the television before he response to the dhampir male "who said I'm going to cut tie with you ? I'm calling you here not because I want you to stay away from me or whatever are you thinking right now but, there's really something I want to tell you and it might be important for you to know"

Junkyu turned to look at the male with little spark on his eyes "Do you mean, you're not going to hate me ? "

"As long as you didn't plan to drink my blood or killing me. If you does, I will hunt you for the rest of your life"

The dhampir male smile with teary eyes then come to hug his best friend. He truly miss the warm they shared together and they hugging for a a few seconds then Jihoon broke it as he seriously looking into Junkyu's eyes "Promise me, you won't eat me ?"

Junkyu chuckled "I'm not werewolf Jihoonah.. and my grandparents also told me not to hurt human. So, don't worry. I'm a nice dhampir"

"dhampir ?" Jihoon frowned earn a questioning face from Junkyu "You're not vampire ?" Jihoon asked again. More confusing as he don't know what kind of monster or creature is dhampir.

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