Chapter Two: Body Language Influenced by Emotion

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Ah yes, emotion yet again. I am writing about this in a different chapter as it is also a big package...

When your characters are displaying body language, it is important that it is set with the time, the character's personality, and the tone of the moment... therefore emotion gets its kicks again!


Anger is one expression of flight or fight mode: an automatic, instinctive reaction to a threat. In many cases, there is an underlying fear of being harmed. Thanks to the automatic nerves system arousal, the heart rate increases, pupils dilate, and the face may flush. Other body language signs of anger:

-Balling their fists

-Crossing their arms tightly

-Tight-lipped smile (resentment)

-Clenched teeth

-Pointing a finger at someone in an accusing manner

-Hands on their hips

-A scowl on their face


Attraction has some of the same takes as anger and fear, because when you are attracted or aroused by something or someone, your nervous system activates, causing these things to often occur:

-Pupils dilate

-Women often cross and uncross their legs in a subconscious way to draw attention... it's proven

-Mirroring interests and mannerisms (unintentionally normally)

-An overly giddy display of affection

-Either widened eyes or relaxed eyelids

-A wide smile they can't bring down

Closed to Conversation:

When someone is closed to conversation, it can sometimes be rather obvious... and it really depends on how they stand or sit when they are conversing!

-Keeping hands in their lap or pockets (a common trait in men)

-Arms and/or legs crossed, cutting off access to anything

-Sitting back, or visibly leaning back an inch

-Standing a further way off than everyone else

-Folding hands together

-Fiddling with objects (this can mean other things, but it is a trait I often find myself doing when I'm uncomfortable or not wanting to talk)

-Not as keen to answer, reply or make conversation

Honesty and Openness:

When someone is being open to you, it is surprising how much their body language can change, and they are often more animated and flowy.

-Exposure of their palms

-Arms and/or legs unfolded

-Leaning forward, or toward the conversation

-Being keen to speak, or answer a question

Submissive Signals / Being Inferior:

When someone is ever-so-slightly afraid, or feeling inferior, they show a display of submissive characteristics, such as:

-Over smiling (The smile of fear and distress)

-Slumping their shoulders

-Taking steps backwards

-Avoiding eye contact

-Shrinking down in an appearance of being smaller


-Men have the tendency to stroke or rub the nape of their neck when they're upset, and that find little detail can mean a heck of a lot to the look of a story. It acts like a self-soothing mechanism, or a simple gesture to "a pain in the neck".

-Crossed limbs, a way to guard yourself and act like a protective barrier


-One arm reaches out across you to hold the other arm... for some reason.

-Clutching a purse, briefcase, or a simple bag with both hands out in front of you.

-Adjusting sleeves (Men regularly do this with their cuffs)


Lying causes a subtle tingle in the face and neck, so the gestures below are to help eliminate that feeling:

-Covering their mouth or simply bringing up their hand to their face. Some people dismiss this by coughing into their hand instead

-Touching or rubbing their nose. It can be a simple gesture, only small. 

-Rubbing their eyes

-Scratching neck with index finger

Superiority and Confidence:

-Steepling fingers (the act of placing your fingertips together as you talk or think).

-Folding their hands behind their back

-Thumbs stick out of pockets

-Hands on hips

-Straddling a chair

-Smiling for no apparent reason

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