Chapter 10

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It was a week before his sixteenth birthday when the pain kicked in. He was in his room, working on his homework when it started. It felt like hot lava had been poured right down his back and for the first time in his life he wanted to scream out and cry. Kai attempted to continue what he was doing but the pain was beginning to become more unbearable by the second.

He knew what it meant. It was time. His wings were ready, and he had to see Queen Seraphim. The only problem he faced was speaking to his parents. They weren't the best people and they never believed him when he spoke. He had always been a liar, but his brother was always the perfect angel. Kai figured he'd go there himself if they put up their usual speech. 

Slowly, he walked out of his room and down the long, winded staircase. He knew what his father was going to say but he didn't care at that point. The pain was too much for him to handle.

As soon as he reached the bottom of the stairs, a familiar deep masculine voice sounded from the living room. "Go back to your room, Kai. There is no emergency that requires you out and about."

Kai winced as his father spoke. He knew this was coming but he didn't quite care, he had to speak his mind. "My wings are com—"

"No, they aren't," his father interrupted loudly. "Go back upstairs."

Kai bit his tongue and ignored the pain in both his chest and back. He did not need this, not today, not again. "Fine. If you both won't take me, I'll go myself."

He didn't bother waiting for a response from either his mother or father. It wasn't like he was purposely defying his father, but he knew what he needed to do, and, in that moment, he decided to walk out the door.

The cold winter air didn't do his pain any favours, in fact it made it worse, but he kept walking. His father's orders were drowned out the faster he walked. If he hung back to listen, he probably would swing a punch his father's way. He reached an open grassy field after a while and sighed in relief. Tears managed to fall and stain his cheeks as he realised he didn't know how to open the portal. He dropped down onto his knees as his heart sank. Why didn't he think ahead? Why did he have to walk out? No one was going to help him now. He'd have to suffer in pain now.

His father's voice was yelling his name from afar. Kai was feeling hotter by the second, the tears burnt his cheeks. He ripped his shirt off and took deep breaths in. He would survive this. He had to.

A hand grabbed his shoulder and Kai immediately jumped. He didn't know who it was, but he didn't want them touching him. Nope. He didn't need it.

"Kai," his father's voice bellowed from behind him. "Your back... It's..."

"So now you care? You didn't seem to care at home, father!" Kai said through a waterfall of tears. "Why do you care now?"

"Your back is red. It is not meant to be this red, son. Two red lines are meant to form where the wings grow, not your whole back," his father said, concern lacing his voice.

Kai knew it was an act. It had to be. The man didn't care about him or his wellbeing. He cared more about his youngest son than Kai. Kai wasn't jealous by any means, but he would love to just move out when he got the chance to.

He was so wrapped up in his own pain that he hadn't realised his father opened the portal to see the queen. The pain was getting more unbearable by the second. It was as if he was on fire and having rocks thrown at him. He was lifted off the ground in one fowl swoop. He was in his father's arms, the world around them in a blur, the trees became faint lines and black dots invaded his vision.

"Stay with my Kai," his fathers voice said silently.

Kai tried to stay conscious, but it barely worked. Next thing he knew he was in a grand room; gold decorated the ceiling and the walls. Red curtains took over the large windows around the room. Each pillar had a different design on them which Kai was guessing was of fallen Angels who had died in the war long ago. A pool was at the other end of the room, and it was at the point he realised he wasn't paying attention to anything anyone was saying. Not the Queen and certainly not his father.

Angels Vs Demons: A Forbidden Love (ONC2022)Where stories live. Discover now