The second step of the podium

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The largest museum in Los Angeles had barely closed its lights when a strange female figure slipped through the shadows. An athletic young woman with black hair and red highlights was walking along the main corridor towards the Exhibition Hall. In front of her was a display case topped by a glass window in which the light of a large purple dimant was reflected.

Kimandy smiled as she saw how easily she had been able to hide just before the museum closed to come and get the object of her desire.

Since absorbing Kim Possible, Mandy had had the opportunity to test her new abilities. Now that she was stronger, faster, tougher, and just plain better in every way, nothing could stand in her way. She had never imagined herself to be more than perfect, considering herself already at the top of the social hierarchy and the pinnacle of physical beauty. However, the humiliating encounter with the one who called herself Salver had opened her eyes: she had to improve herself, go beyond her potential and become a truly superior being.

But first, she had to use her new power to finally get everything she had ever wanted. For while Mandy owned half the city and was even more powerful than the mayor and police chief, there were still some things she could not do. Until now... Her first target was the legendary Star of Maluptra, the largest diamond in the world that Mandy had coveted for years but that even her wealthy family could not afford.

The glass base that held the diamond was protected by a web of slowly moving laser beams. A simple touch of the skin or clothing was enough to set off the alarm and alert the guards. Not to mention the fact that the lasers were obviously deadly.

For Kimandy, this would be a formality. The opportunity to test her abilities in a real situation. First, she spotted a camera in the air that scanned the entire area. She propelled herself, jumped on the wall and tore it off with a single kick.

Then she cracked her knuckles and walked towards the laser web with a smile. With the agility and dexterity of a cat, she weaved between the bright red lines. In an instant she spotted the gaps in the device and jumped with extreme precision from one safe zone to another. The lasers moved in repetitive patterns, so it was a piece of cake for her to anticipate every move. Once she reached the center of the room and faced the central base, Kimandy briefly analyzed the glass box that held the diamond to identify a possible connector connected to the alarm and, once she was sure it wasn't, broke the glass with a single elbow and snatched the diamond.

"Hahahahahah....Too easy....I'm bored" Kimandy picked up a piece of glass and threw it at the laser beams which melted instantly.

Suddenly a commotion sounded throughout the museum. The alarm had naturally been triggered. In front of her, a sort of metal shutter was beginning to close and would imprison her in the Exhibition Hall. She had only a few seconds to get through the laser web and slide right under the shutter before it was completely closed. Easy.

Kimandy carefully tucked the diamond into her pocket, took a second to figure out the path she needed to take, which she burned into her mind, and sped off at breakneck speed. This time she moved so fast between the lasers that her movements were almost a blur. She looked like an Olympic gymnast performing an incredible feat and putting on a breathtaking show, if only someone could have seen it.

Out of the canvas, she slid gracefully under the metal curtain and immediately found herself on the other side. She wasn't even out of breath. Now all she had to do was get out of here with her precious loot. But it was not yet the end of the troubles for the young woman because, on each side of the corridor, appeared uniformed guards armed with electric sticks. They were running towards her at full speed and seemed determined to stop her.

"Halt! Hands up now!" shouted one of them.

Kimandy threw her muscular arms behind her head and puffed out her chest in defiance.

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