Yeji's POV

I'm here at my room contemplating whether I'll sleep or work out. But before i can decide i heard my phone's notifs.

'Future Wife'
'hey it's me hehe, would you mind to go shopping with me or have dinner with me?'

'Ofc who tf would say no to you?😉'

'Future Wife'
'thanks so what time are you free?'

'Any time, I'll pck you up'
'love you😘'

And that's how i met your mother.

Jisu's POV

Wow smooth, I'll just react heart.

I was still on my phone then suddenly heard a car beeping.

"Miss Choi, Someone's waiting for you downstairs" My maid told me and I thanked her.

I got downstairs and opened the door.

"Hi milady" Yeji said with a bouquet of flowers in her hand. I was just staring at the flowers and admiring it every second.

"Flowers for you" she said and handed me the flowers and i thanked her as my eyes beamed.

"Let's go?" she asked me

"Right now? I'm sorry but i haven't changed yet, i didn't know you would be this early and besides i didn't gave you my address yet"

"I have connections Miss Choi, and i have a dress that will surely suit you don't worry" She said

After 20 minutes of changing i got down and went to Yeji.

"So umm..... how does it look?" i asked nervously

"WOW, I didn't know you would be this perfect" she said making me blush

"Hey no overreacting" i joked making her chuckle

"No I'm not Miss Choi, you are beautiful" she said sincerely.

But before I can thank her someobe stepped in

"Lia! have you seen my-" he was left agape when he saw Yeji.

"Hi i ummm, Yeji" he said and i saw how Yeji's face turned into a slight frown

"Soobin" she said

"Umm.... where are you too going?" he asked

"that's none of your business" she said sternly

"ouch Yeji, i know you just used Lia as excuse to see me" he said

"No, I'm actually here for Lia, I don't even have interest in boys who eye rapes woman the very first time they met" Yeji said that made me shock

She knew? But she still kept calm after witnessing someone kind of harass her? Wow just daebak

"Wha- What? is that what Lia told you?" he said with annoyance

"No one told me Choi, I saw it with my very own eyes, I'm letting it slide for now, the next time you do it again you'll regret it" she said and took ny arms and linked it with her

"let's go Lia" she said, her tone and face somehow was different

20 minutes later....

After the commotion Me and Yeji are in her car.

"Are you okay?" Yeji asked me

"Yeah I'm fine, What makes you wonder?"

"You just look quite" she said

"I'm okay... sorry about my brother"

"no need to be sorry" she said and smiles at me

30 minutes later, we arrived...

"Thank you" I said while Yeji holds the car door

"You're welcome"

Yeji's POV

"Wow nice place" Lia said in awe

"Not as nice as you" i murmured

"What's that?" Lia asked

"This place is beautiful but not as beautiful as you" I said making her blush

"Tha-Thank you"

"So what do you do for a living?" I asked

"Well... i don't do much.... Dad told me to just stay at home until he finds a husband for me to marry, he told me that i should practice into being a good mother and...a wife.." she said, i can still feel sadness in her voice

"You don't like it do you?" i asked

"it's not like that.... i want to be a mother.... it's my dream but.... i don't want to marry someone i barely know..." she said

"What else is your dream?"

"Me? uhmm.... i want to be a day care teacher" She said

"Wow, you must like kids"

"I do, I love them, how about you?" she said then smiled

" Kids? nah, I don't like them. Kids are like little dare devils, they'll make you insane" i said making her chuckle

"How about your job? Do you like being the CEO?" She asked

"I hate my job" i said

"Really? Why?" she asked

"Being a CEO isn't my dream, My dream was to be an athlete. I was supposed to be an athlete but my parents were against it. At first they supported me but when my oldest sister got pregnant and decided to get married, my parents told me that I'll be the successor and that i should stop dreaming of becoming an athlete instead I should focus on my academics."

"Sorry to hear that Yeji"

"It's fine to be honest"

"What sport did you play?"

"I played soccer, My youngest sister is currently playing floorball"

" Wow, your family is full of athletes?"

"Not really, My oldest Sister Jennie doesn't play sports as well as my parents. Me and Yuna are the athletic ones."

" Enough of me by the way, What about you Lia? How many ex boyfriends you have?" i asked making her shocked by the suddent question

" noth- nothing... i have zero ex" she said while blushing

"Really? that's good"

No distractions


I know i have incorrect grammars. English is not my first yeah, feel free to correct me if you want☺️

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