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Wei Wuxian realized for the first time that he had blood relatives that existed. He is grateful for this person has cared for him and took the time to give him his courtesy name.

His mother had once told him, that her mother had bestowed a name for him. Wuxian means 'no envies.' He opened the cedar chest and sitting on top, wrapped in red ribbons, labeled, "to Wei Wuxian." His mom knew she couldn't handle me, wanted him to live a free life devoid of worldly matters. She wanted him to find his way and live his life the way he wants. His mother did it in such a sweet way, letting him live in a house nothing but filled with love. He loves her for this.

He was taken in by his grandmother he now calls his own 'mother'.

The first time Wei Wuxian took the brush, he spelled out his name and courtesy name. His mother would help him with his calligraphy, teach him words afterwords, and spelled them out on parchment.

He learned poems after poems, the words of great leaders, and teachings of the lost time. He learned the wonders of the world.

His mother would pat his head, caress his cheeks, and plant kisses on his forehead, nose, and cheeks. He would laugh with her on small little things, giggle when he felt something valuable, he would smile, his ever kind smile whenever she took her hands in hers.

She would feed him, play with him, let him lift the sword, and taught him the bow.


He would find her staring on the surface of her fountain, watching a very handsome man every day.

He would find her smiling sweetly, caress the surface of the water, and cried silently.

He was hurt.

He wanted to comfort her.

"Uncle Fang... Why is mother always watching that person?"

His martial uncle gave him a light pat and lift him to his shoulders.

"You see... Your mother is not who you think she is..." Fang told him, "see those partridges on the tree?" Wei Wuxian nodded, "like the moon that can never be with the sun... These partridges will eventually separate... One will continue... One will disappear... Your mother has been living for years... She was forced to watch her beloved and children die and wither through times... But she..."

"Will remain the same..." Wei Wuxian said. For a seven-year-old kid, he already understood the ways of life.

"There will come a time, I will leave her behind... All disciples here will leave him again and again... She would cry... She would be lonely... But she had no choice but to bury us and go on.."

Like Baoshan Sanren has told him, she will be alone... And will be alone... She will continue to be alone.

Wei Wuxian took a white lily from and ran as fast as he can, "mother!" He squealed but ended up tripping on his own. His face landed first before his body, but his hand holding white lily remained in the air.

His mother ran to him and raised him from his fall, his doe eyes stared at her and a wide grin plastered all over his face. "Be careful!" He heard her reprimand him, tapping and patting his clothes.

He handed her the lily, and said, "happy anniversary mother!" Baoshan Sanren couldn't find words to say and waited for him to continue, "for our fateful meeting!"

For once, Wei Wuxian realized how little thoughts could send his mother to tears. Little words to move her from her isolation.

She was alone. She will forever be alone.

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