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Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

Wei Wuxian opened his eyes strenuously, and all the disorder around fell into his vision.

What is so good about having this life?

What is so good in resisting fate when it's taking everything away?

His tears won't stop. His heart pounding so hard.

Where did everything go wrong?

Where did he make this mistake?

He just wanted a peaceful life, a life where he and his mother could live in this world. He wanted this, he wanted this family and yet, his loved ones are being forced to be treated this way.

Worse than stocks.

Feral than ghosts.

Not even a speck of dignity was left to all clans as they fight with the power they forcefully acquire.

His dreams of silvery lakes of silvery ice. The hills adore the lacy white. On those cold and frosty winter mornings, each exhale a breath of steam quickly disappears. The crispy bright snow whispers the beautiful phrases of love.

Every eye stared at him. Wei Wuxian just stood there blankly. Gone are the memories of the beautiful scenery and magnolia tree, the leaves dancing with the same breeze. Only this bloody and cunning hell remained.

He can't remain in this place forever.

Footsteps crunched beneath his feet as he walked in the solitude path he was blessed with. With his sharp turns weaving, he meets a frail visible eye drunk in silver sunlight.

Of one who in ecstasy of pain, drank the wine of comfort.

Of one who in the ecstasy of wine, laughed in torture and solitude.

Never he had seen himself in this kind of life, enjoying the ecstasy had not the music brought to him.

That lonely back, that sad smile, his betrayed expression as he tried calling for help.

Or... It is fitting?

Because he had become the sacrifice for this cause?

He was dragged back to his cell without any speck of mercy. He was again chained, beaten up forced to swallow that shit all over again. Wei Wuxian vomited and forced himself to throw that thing out.

In the darkness, he heard small knocks and soft rustles. A toddler, so innocent and curious emerges from the dark. He knew this is not a place for toddlers but here is a kid in tender three.


"Leave." He warned. It's a Wen child. He doesn't want help from a damn Wen even if it's a child.

However, the Wen child didn't make any move. A little later, he stepped forward and smiled at him. The child took something from his sleeves and left one crookedly made bun. Wei Wuxian didn't know what to say. The kid sat beside him just smiling idiotically.

Wei Wuxian carefully took the bun and sniffed at it whether there was poison or something. When two small hands cupped his cheeks and said, "Pain, pain go away! A-Yuan will kiss the pain away!"

Wei Wuxian couldn't help but smile and giggled at the child's antics. "Why is A-Yuan here?" He asked.

"Uncle said a friend needs A-Yuan. So, A-Yuan came!"

"Who is that uncle?"

"Ning! Uncle Ning!"

Ning? Wen Ning? The name rings something but he can't remember. Who was that?

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