18. Shelling their future

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Just a statement

Dear readers, all kind of comments are welcome and yes, of course the nicer ones are easier to take; please, remember that the story and whatever happens in it comes out of my mind and heart, which means that sometimes I get hurt. Sorry for being so..."touchy".

(I will end the story soon, it's "a shorty" as the title says; even an amateur writer like me is able to see that many readers aren't even up to help me, and other amateurs, keep going with some kind of comment, or at least a tiny star at the end of each chapter, so...)

However, to ALL of you who do vote and comment on each and every chapter...thank you so very much for appreciating the hard work behind it, you make me feel worthy!! (I wouldn't have written any story at all without you)❣️
It just seems I sometimes lose faith and the will to keep going; shit happens, and this is how I feel right now.
🤷🏼‍♀️😔 (16/4/2023)

❤️ eri


"Come on baby girl, let's go to the beach."

After brunch they had worked for a couple of hours together in the suite's bedroom. Sanem was doing well and Can mostly just supervised her decisions. He went down to his office for a short while, but didn't get anything done. No. He was...restless. And curious. Yes. About this...Eric, who she had mentioned when they had argued in the early morning hours. He still hadn't asked her about her night out on her own in Miami, uh uh. To somehow keep the peace, but...he knew he wouldn't be able to keep his questions back for much longer. So he sighed and got out of his chair. He was just going to close the door behind him when he halted. What if..? Maybe..? He walked back, opened up the safe and got hold of the small box with its golden letters. He looked at it, got a smile on his handsome face, shut the safe and put the box in one of his pockets. Again he reached the door and this time he closed it behind him. On the way out, he got hold of Matthew behind the reception desk.

 On the way out, he got hold of Matthew behind the reception desk

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"Matt. As I said yesterday, I'm sorry about the Kassandra situation, and...make sure to help her to find a job somewhere else if needed, and also, make sure she has understood that I was serious when I fired her. And let everybody know. With cero details, though."

Matt blinked and smiled at Can.

"Don't worry, Can, I'll handle it with care."

Can blinked back at him and gave him his crooked smile. Then he got serious again.

"Matt...in case you were going to ask the love of your life to marry you, on what beach in Miami would you do so..?"

Matthew got surprised and just gawked at his boss for a few moments, but then his face split up in a big grin and he approached Can and hugged him dearly. Can didn't expect it and blushed when Matt congratulated him with a final jab on his shoulder. Then he got thoughtful and frowned while he was thinking, until his face lit up again.

EK: Canem, impossible not to (A "Shorty", or...kind of)Where stories live. Discover now