21. "Mr Post-it"

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Can would never forgive himself for getting her into this situation. Uh uh. It was all his fault, he was not worthy her and would never be.
He sniffled when he watched her sleep in the hospital bed; Sanem didn't want to, but Can and Eric had insisted on to take her there, and here she was. She had bruises all over her petite body, but the worst one was the one on her face; yes, Jojo definitely knew how to hit and how to mark a woman.
When Can finally had reached her on that van floor earlier on...oh my. He hardly remembered what had happened, and he was glad that Calleigh had been there to help him.

And now, here he was; he couldn't stop touching her, so again he caressed her swollen and wounded cheekbone with care, followed the jawline, tickled her neck with his fingertips before he reached her left earlobe

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And now, here he was; he couldn't stop touching her, so again he caressed her swollen and wounded cheekbone with care, followed the jawline, tickled her neck with his fingertips before he reached her left earlobe. He kneaded it softly and was rewarded with one of those so sexy sounds of hers, one of pleasure. He noticed how dry her lips were, and he wished himself to be able to moisture them for her. Then they suddenly met eyes and Can's got filled with tears. Sanem gazed at him and managed to give him a small smile. One of her hands searched for his and found it; she exhaled by satisfaction, as his big and warm hands always made her feel safe. And hot. Yeah. That combination always made her melt for him; safe and hot, and today wasn't an exception. She slowly stretched out her body as good as she could, yawned a bit and then got her small smile back on. She reached out for him and got her free hand's fingers in his beard, which made him close his eyes and lean into them.

"Hey. Are you okey, Can? You look...beaten. Look at me, please."

She grabbed his chin with care and made him do what she had asked him to

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She grabbed his chin with care and made him do what she had asked him to. When she saw the guilt in his eyes, she inhaled, let go of him and got up on her elbows in the bed.

"Can. This is not your fault. Uh uh. You haven't done anything wrong, do you hear what I say? I won't let you take the blame for what an unstable "sex-ex" of yours did to us, do you get it? No way!"

She laid back in the bed again and frowned at him. He briefly closed his eyes before he spoke.

"I will never forgive myself for what happened, Sanem, it won't matter whatever you say; I got you into this situation, and...my God, I don't even want to think about what she possibly had planned to do to you, bebek!"

EK: Canem, impossible not to (A "Shorty", or...kind of)Where stories live. Discover now