Chapter 8

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"Sit." Yousuf said to Shehryar once he'd come into their room when him and Saima called him.

Shehryar eyed both his parents with poorly veiled suspicion but sat down on the chair nonetheless, folding his arms over his chest. He had no idea what was going on, and he didn't like not knowing.

"What's going on?" He asked casually, trying to appear as unbothered as ever, though he was really bothered.

Yousuf and Saima shared a look that didn't slip past his notice and his eyes narrowed. Both of them seemed... nervous, for whatever reason. He hoped he was about to find out soon.

Yousuf sighed and decided to just bite the bullet and ask the question from him. "Shehryar, beta, do you like Fariya?" Silence ensued his question and he looked at him expectantly for an answer.

"We're only asking because of what we saw. If we guessed wrong then the matter will end right here." Saima added, leaving out the part where Sadaf had come and talked to them about it. She suspected that both Shehryar and Fariya liked each other.


To say that Shehryar was surprised would be an understatement. It was a simple, yet very loaded question. He had to be careful about how he answered it. But he decided to be honest.

Honesty was the best policy, right?

So he sat back and smiled small at his parents. "Yeah, I do like her." He responded, thinking of all the moments he'd shared with her. The only thing that now bothered him was that he didn't know if she liked him back or not.

"And how much do you like her?" Saima treaded carefully and cautiously, though hints of excitement coursed through her. She liked Fariya too, and found her perfect for her son.

And since now his attraction toward Fariya was already out in the open, he decided to just roll with it. He'd always had a good relationship with his parents, anyway. "Enough that I don't think I'd be too opposed if you were to bring a moulvi right now and get us married." He joked, though he wasn't really joking.

Yousuf laughed at that as Saima smiled. "Badmash."

"Sadaf talked to us about it actually. We hadn't thought of it but when she mentioned it, we started noticing the obvious liking between you both, too." Saima told him. Shehryar perked up at that, no longer slouching down in his seat.



Saima couldn't help but grin at her son's eagerness. "She's supposed to be talking about all this to Fariya right now. But don't get your hopes too high, we've all agreed that nothing will happen unless you both are happily on board with it." She said so, though she was almost positive that Fariya would agree. She just didn't want Shehryar to get his heart broken if she wasn't.

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