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I walked in class.. And I sit In front Of Bakugo.. But YES! She's in front of me!

Eh.. Does life not want us together? Does life want us apart?.. And I wanted to know what he was about to say! I'm so curious now!.. if only.. She didn't interrupt I would've knew!.... And... Woah.. We have training today....

" Uraraka?.. " Bakugo said tapping my back..

I looked behind me.. And Began to feel Nervous again?... Like heart.. Can you not right now?..

" Hmmm? " I answer quietly..

" Hand this to Marlissa.. " Bakugo replied..

I sighed.. And grabbed the paper handing it to her.. Marissa takes it.. I look out the window..

- class is over.. -

I walked out of class... Kinda feeling angry In side.. I walked to where me and Mina would usually hang out.

To see Bakugo and Marlissa there too.. Wow..? Can't have enough of her huh.

I walked over there.. And set down.. And put my hands on my head In frustrated..

" Uraraka? You've been acting weird today.. " Mina said..

I continue looking down.. And Sighs looking up at the sky.. And looked at Mina..

" I'm fine.. Just frustrated.. " I said. 

" When I'm frustrated. I just use my Quirk.. " Mina said..

I looked at her.. " You're right! " I said standing up.. 

" I am.. about what?.. " Mina said confused..

" Where's Todoroki? " I said in happiness..

" Umm? With Deku and your little Squad..? " Mina said..

I smiled and ran to Todoroki.. Grabbing his Arm.. But failing to drag him..

Todoroki looked up at me.. " Uraraka? " Todoroki said..

" Come with me!!~.. " I whined..

Todoroki got up and.. Followed me.. I looked at him. and smiled brightly..

" Do me a favor.. Pretty please!! " I said..

" No.. " Todoroki said..

I grabbed his hand and looked at him with the puppy eyes.. I grab his face.. and made him look at me.

" Pretttyyyy pleaseee! " I said.. Still whining..

" Fine.. what? " Todoroki said...

" Help me carry out a plan.. " I said..

" Okay.. " Todoroki said looking down at me..

" YAY! " I said Floating up..

- after the plan! -  

I walked back to Mina and set down silently.. And looked behind Bakugo.. At Todoroki.

Todoroki walked over here and set down beside me.. And looked at Marlissa..

Todoroki grabbed me hand and Put it in his pockets Cause He felt how cold I was...

" You guys dating? " Mina said looking at are hands..

" No.. She was cold... " Todoroki Looked Nervously.

" Cute.. Anyways Todoroki what you doing over here? " Mina said..

" Nothing.. Just wanted to see what to guys were up too honestly.. " Todoroki said..

" Nothing.. Now get lost.. " Bakugo said angry..

Todoroki looked at Bakugo.. To see him glaring at him.. Todoroki looked at me..

And grabbed my face.. WHICH WAS NOT APART THE FUCKIN- PLAN..

Before Todoroki could do anything Bakugo got up and grabbed my arm pulling me away..

And walking away.. He stopped behind the building and Pinned ne against the wall

Aggressively grabbing me cheeks.. Making me look at him.. He looked down as if he was angry..

" Uraraka.. I hate when you do this.. " Bakugo said..

I looked at him confused as too what he's talking about.. I looked up at him Nervously.. Fidgeting with my hands..

" I'm greedy for your love... But come on? You talking to others guy just makes me.. Angry.. " Bakugo said..

My eyes widen as Too.. Him kinda confessing He has a little crush on me.. I looked down In nervousness..

" Look at me.. " Bakugo said angry. 

I looked up at him... And he sighed cupping my cheeks into his hands.. And Leaning in..

He walked more up on me... to where Are bodies were.. Really touching.. Like ever single part with touching...

And kisses me... He closed his eyes.. Which.. I didn't know how to react.. Soo..? I just kissed him back I guess..

I looked at Bakugo With my eyes still kinda surprised looking...

He put his head on my shoulder.. Indicating.. He was happy? I didn't push him back are maybe... Rejected the kiss..

" Don't.. Do that ever again.. I was about to blow both of your brain's out.. " Bakugo said..

" S-.. sorry.. " I said nervously but softly..

" I could listen to your voice all day.. But.. I have to go.. " Bakugo said..

He walked away.. I blushed and covered my face.. Which I could still feel his eyes on me...

I touched my lips.. Surprised of what he just did.. I felt.. Happy? Good? That be liked me back!

And now I don't have to be..? Like scared that he might like someone else..

Cause it's proven.. he likes me obviously.. But I just need to tell him how I feel? The same way.. When he talks to other people..I feel angry.. Jealous? Like I wanna float them up.. Then.. Make them fall head first.. I know he'll probably think.. I'm weird and crazy.. If he just confessed.. and I didn't say nothing that whole time.. But.. " S- Sorry.. " Like come on! I was nervous... Cause I just found out Bakugo likes me back!,

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