chapter 10, the meet up

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song of the chapter: want me - puma blue

maeves pov

the group and i are currently on another boat trip. i'm a little hungover from last night's game night, because jj kept giving me half empty beer cans. i wasn't in the mood for beer at all, but i just gave in. now i'm stuck with a headache and a craving for a burger. 

"hey guys, can we get some food? i'm so hungry", i ask them. kiara suddenly has a big smile on her face. "yes! thank fucking god. i'm starving to death." i laugh at her response. the others agree and john b drives us back. 

we get off the boat and walk to the nearest diner where we can eat. as we walk in a familiar body walks past me. i turn around and see that it's charlie. 

"hey charlie!" i say to him and he looks back at me. the others already decide to go inside. "oh hey maeve. what are you doing here?" i run my hand through my hair. "oh just getting some food with them." i point to the five others with my thumb. "anyways, i just wanna get this over with, but did i do something wrong? ever since that fight with rafe you've been ignoring me. i don't think there's a reason for that," i say. he avoids eye contact with me and sighs.

"look, i was just disappointed that you didn't come to me after what happened. instead you went after rafe", he explains his 'frustration'. "i went after rafe to ask him why he was acting like that. i was defending you and-" i get cut off by kie coming outside. "sorry to interrupt, but we need to order so what do you want?" she asks. "i, uh, i'll just take whatever you take", i respond quickly. she nods, gives a suspicious glare to charlie and goes back inside. she definitely feel the tension. 

"i didn't know you felt that way, okay? but you could've at least texted me back. i send you a message asking you how you were and no response whatsoever." i feel myself getting more annoyed by the second. 

i get what he's saying, but he also was in the wrong that night. his words towards rafe were equally as bad and then he just ignores me because he assumes i went after rafe by reason of me taking his side. this is not a middle school fight where people take sides. 

"i also had other things on my mind", charlie says. "i get that, but then you shouldn't be mad at me because you assume i care more about rafe than you."

he finally makes real eye contact with me and asks "do you care about rafe?" he frowns his eyebrows. i do the same thing. "what? no, that's not what i meant. you're missing the point charlie." 

he rubs his temples and sighs. i take a step back and open the door of the diner. "just let it rest for now. we'll talk about this another time." charlie nods and walks to his car. 

i go inside the diner and look where our table is. i see two familiar heads and walk up to them. "hey guys", i huff and sit down. sarah puts her arm around my shoulders and asks what's wrong. i explain them every word we exchanged and kie scoffs. 

"what a jerk! instead of owning up to his mistakes, he just says stupid shit like that", kiara comments on the situation. "also the question of 'do you care about rafe?' is so fucking weird", jj adds. the others agree. 

"i do think rafe has a soft spot for you", sarah suddenly states. i give her a confused look. "what's that supposed to mean?" i ask. 

"when i told him we were having a game night, the first thing he asked was 'is maeve coming too?' when we were having a conversation in the kitchen last night and he came in, he greeted you. he doesn't do that with any of my friends. especially if they are also hanging out with pogues."

pope starts laughing. "good luck with that maeve. a psychopath having a soft spot for you. sounds like a great love story." kiara punches his shoulder. "i think you're just being delusional sarah", john b speaks up. sarah rolls her brown eyes and takes a sip of her drink. 

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