December 8, 1941

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Anna had just finished a performance and heard shouts from the other room.

A young, incredibly skinny man ran in and she frowned. "You're not supposed to be back here."

"Sorry," he apologized. "Have you heard the news?"

"No, but I hear the shouts out there. What's going on?"

"The US is going to war, and I'm going to enlist."

Anna looked up and down at the man who couldn't have been taller than her.

"You are?" she questioned.

"I know I don't look like much, but I can do this. I have to defend my country."

Anna smiled lightly. "That's quite admirable." She held out her hand. "I'm Anna Reed. It's a pleasure to meet you... Pardon, I don't know your name."

He shook her hand. "Steve Rogers. Likewise a pleasure, Miss Reed."

"Please. Call me Anna."

"Anna." A light smile crossed his face. "You were, um, you were great out there."

"Thank you."

"Can I walk you home?"

"I'd like that. Just let me finish up here."

Steve nodded and stood back to wait.

Anna undid her hair and changed her shoes. She cleaned up her small vanity, packing her stuff up, and stood.

Steve offered his arm and Anna placed her arm in his and the two left the bar. A brunet man walked up and smiled. "Hey, doll."

Steve gestured to the man. "This is my friend Bucky. Buck, this is Anna Reed."

Bucky shook Anna's hand with a light smirk, but noticed Anna's eyes flick to Steve. His smirk turned to a smile before he said, "I'll see you, Steve. It was nice to meet you, Anna."

Anna nodded. "You as well, Bucky. If you don't mind me asking, where does that come from?"

"I don't mind. Buchanan. James Buchanan Barnes is my name, but no one calls me James."

"I sincerely apologize for that name."

"No need to. I like it, and have a rather interesting nickname as a result." He turned to Steve. "Don't be out too late, and take care of that girl, get her home safely."

Steve nodded. "I will. Now get out of here."


"Jerk." He waved and left, leaving Steve and Anna in an awkward silence once again.

They walked home, still saying nothing. Both wanted to say something, but seemed to be too nervous to.

Eventually, the two came upon an apartment.

"This is me," Anna said. "Thank you for the escort, as awkward as it was."

Steve nodded. "A lady should never walk home alone. The company was more than enough. I'd... I'd like to see you again, Anna."

"I'd like that as well."

Steve let out a relieved sigh and smiled. "I'll come calling?"

"I'll be waiting."

He stepped back with a light wave. "Goodnight, Anna."

"Goodnight, Steve."

And thus began their unexpected song. One night turned into two, which turned into countless. But the two were seemingly still stubborn about their obvious feelings for each other, much to the frustration and the impatience of one who was friend to both.

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