We need to talk

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"So, we need to talk" — I say, looking at them as Krel and Aja go away.

"Really? Talk about what?" — Jim asks nervously. He chuckles and brushes the back of his neck. 

"I am not joking. It's about the Trollhunters stuff" —  When I say that, Toby laughs and places his hand on my shoulder.

"What a great movie, isn't it?" — I stare at him, petrified by his audacity. I don't know what to say. Is he kidding me? He must be. He better be. No one calls me crazy, and his phrase sounded just like it. 

Jim looks around and yawns. "We really should go now. My mom must be worried sick!" 

"No! No one's going home until we talk this through" — I sigh and take the book from my backpack. "I've read the whole book. What is the killahead? Trolls? Wizards? Changelings? What is going on?" — The last phrase comes out a bit louder than it should. I am worried sick, but at this point, I am probably being unreasonable.

They seem a bit shocked as they stare at me, silently. Claire's eyes widen when she sees the book I have. She points at it, and Jim takes it from me, inspecting it. He flips the pages, going through them, trying to read them. Claire spies, trying to catch something. She starts talking.

"It's in troll. How did you read this?"

"They are bluffing, Claire. There's no way" —  Toby says. "You saw nothing" —  He waves his hands, trying to scare me. 

"Listen: I don't know how or why I could read it. I really don't. But I told you about it! I know about trolls and Gumm-Gumms. It's all in this book! And I know what your amulet can do, Jim"

They seem quite amused. They look at each other, and Claire is the first to speak again.

"We need to talk to Merlim. He probably knows what is going on" 

"You're right" — Jim sighs. "Come with us"

Maybe it's not that safe to follow three colleagues that are suddenly serious after I just told them I know too much. It sounds like the beginning of a horror movie or a sci-fi movie, but I don't think I have a choice.

We walk for a long and silent minute until we enter Jim's house. The place is dark, so I try to watch my step as we walk through the first floor. I observe the new ambient cautiously. The only thing one says is: "We're home, Mom!".

"We're at the garage!" — Someone else says, and as we head there, Jim is the one who opens the door, only for me to see three trolls and one old man.

The first one is dark blue, with six eyes and four hands. The second one is huge, and grey, and has green hair. He resembles the figure of a mountain, but in a good way. Though it is an unusual scene, I don't feel frightened. 

My eyes go through the room only to find one more troll: the one I saw in the forest that day.

"You brought another human?!" — the first one asks as Jim leaves the door, which allows the others to see me. He seems a little freaked out by my presence. "Oh no! No! This is not good!"

"Y/n!" — Draal voices excitedly, rushing towards me. 

"You know them?" — Toby asks.

"Yes! They were the one who saved me that night!" —  He says, kneeling down at me. "Thank you once again, Y/n"

"Yeah. Don't worry about it. You seemed like you needed an extra hand"

"So, are you joining us? Are you going to fight by our side? I saw what you can do!" — He cheers.

"Fight... so... Gunmar is free" — I state.

"You are not that smart, are you?" — The old man asks.

"Wait" —  Jim says. "So you are telling me that you saved Draal from Gunmar's control? How? I assume you didn't talk him through it" 

I am overwhelmed by questions and reactions, and it quickly gets very tiring. 

"Ah yes. Another brave human, I see" — The first troll says. "I am sorry, Y/n. Master Jim is quite curious right now, and Merlim has always been this rude. You've already met Draal. I am Blinkous Galadrigal, and that is Argumont right there" — He points out the respective trolls.

"Blinky AAARRRGGHH!!! for short" —  Toby clarifies. 

"And that old man over there is Merlim" —  Blinky keeps explaining, and I feel more at ease now that I can at least put some names to faces.

"Thank you, Blinky. That was very nice of you" —  I thank him, taking a deep breath and trying to sort everything out in my head before I can explain everything, but Jim seems quite upset about his Vespa, that Merlim ruined for the sake of armor for the other two humans, so I guess he's not going to absorb any information I throw at him right now. 

Toby is also freaking out about having armor but in a better way. He walks towards it, talking about how shiny and amazing it is. I watch them silently. There's so much to pack in, in so little time.

Merlim feels familiar as well as if I had already met him before.

"Merlim, do you know why Y/n can read in Troll? And how were they able to help Draal to get out of Gunmar's control?" — Claire asks, after thanking him for her purple armor. "I don't mean to be rude, but this is an urgent matter as well. If they can help us fight, then we should know what they are also capable of" 

"That's a good question, Lady Claire. The thing is: this is the child of Morgana" — My eyes widen as he says that.

"What?!" — They all ask at the same time. I hear someone drop something made out of metal, yet I am not fully aware of it. My body runs cold and there's a pit in my stomach. I am not as mindful of my surroundings as I was seconds ago. I am speechless.

"Is that true, Y/n?" — Claire asks. Her voice is a bit dull. 

"If that is the case, we shouldn't just leave them be! They might harm us or something! What if they are going to tell Morgana about all of this? It can be dangerous!" — Blinky says, and the only reaction I get to have is a shiver. "I should have known... that explains everything!"

"There's no way. Look at them. I think we would know if they were! Claire has seen Morgana before! And Y/n would have tried to kill us when they had a chance!"

"What about Draal? Why did they free him?"

"To gain our trust, of course!"

"Y/n? Say something!"

Suddenly, the room is far too small for all of us, and it grows hotter as they fill me up with questions I cannot even absorb.


I'm late! I know, I know. I was at a party, I was up until 4 AM and I woke up at 2 PM. Oh, I have so much to do, but need to thank you guys! Thank you for everything! For commenting, for voting. I couldn't ask for better readers, really.

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