Chapter 1

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I sit with Aaron until the market closes. Papa tells me to pack everything up, but before I do I go use the restroom. Just as I reach for the door I feel strong arms wrap around my neck, someone puts a towel on my face, and everything goes black. I slowly wake up, and realize I have been blindfolded, and my mouth is duct taped. I try yelling, but it is useless, cold air blows down my body causing the hairs to rise on my body. I try to flip over, but can't. Tears slide down my cheeks, and I hear two mens voices. Aaron, it is Aaron, but I cannot recognize the other voice. Giving up, I close my eyes, and sleep praying that when I wake up this will all be a dream, and I will wake up at home.

I wake up on a huge, fluffy bed. I roll off the bed, and hear foot steps moving near the door. My heart races, as the door opens, and large, muscular arms wrap around me, laying me on the bed. I feel laps tracing from my neck to my cheek, and squirm trying to get out. " If you make a noise you will be tied up again." He whispers, and I nod. He takes my blindfold, and everything else off. "Sweetie, I am going to take so much better care of you than your family ever could." He says, putting my hair behind my ears. I shake, scared of what is going to happen next. He takes my shirt off, and tears slide down my cheek. He slaps me, and orders me not to cry. He grabs my bruised wrists, putting my arms over my head, and rapes me.

I lay in the bed naked, scared, ashamed, and feeling so alone. Hesitantly, I get up, and see a shirt laying on the ground, so I put it on, and slowly open the door to see a long hallway, and staircase at the end. I walk down the spiral staircase, and a woman rushed to me, wearing a maids suit. "Mrs Gabson, I am Suzzy, your maid. If you need anything just let me know." I nod, and look around. "Aaron is in the office." She points, and I slowly approach the office.

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