"Detective At Sea."

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File Name: "Wars Of Azure"
Log No. 01
By: "Detective Amelia H. Watson"
Traveler's No. 1337


  Detective Amelia H. Watson #1337 timeline jump report. First contact.

  The jump was sub-optimal, could have been better.

  Landing location is an open ocean. Almost drowned but managed to use the emergency inflatable raft.

  There were no sustained injuries to speak about, although a bit of nausea was experienced, a likely side effect of prolonged traveling through different timelines.

  The first 15 minutes was allotted to checking inventory. Pocket watch; check, Concoctions; check, Report log notebook; check, Supplies; check, Rations and other necessities; check. Everything is accounted for.

  Around the 45 minute mark a makeshift tarp roof is made on the raft. Temporary shelter; check.

  With a necessary temporary shelter secured, the mission can be resumed until a more sufficient facility is acquired.

  Looking around brought up one worry; there was no land in sight. No signs of sentient life either, not even any that can be found beneath the surface of the water. It would seem like I was stuck in some deep waters which was troubling but still manageable.

  That said, I won't be worrying about anything hostile, people or otherwise out here in the open waters. Still, it didn't hurt to be prepared so I checked my equipment and made sure everything was working. If something did try to do anything funny, I still had my watch which should be on standby.

  I was supposed to land somewhere along in America with how I calibrated my coordinates before jumping.

  A bug in the pocket watch maybe? I'm not quite so sure since this is one of the fewer times the watch misplaced me.

  Although a bit worrying, I just have to deal with it for now since I don't have any knowledge on how to fix this watch and its many glitches.

  That's all I've got to report for now. More reports and logs will be added once every five hours or whenever anything important comes up.

[End Of Log]



Amelia sets down her journal beside her then leans to a more comfortable position for her back, stretching her arms and legs.

The detective was contemplating what her next course of action should be now that she has landed in this new timeline. She already had a temporary shelter up and gave her protection from the elements, her rations would also last her for months as long as she watches herself. And even if she did run out of rations she could simply just hop back to a previous timeline she'd already been to.

Amelia was prepared. Way too prepared even.

Well, to be fair, she had been doing this timeline hopping business for far too long than she could even remember. It would've been stupid of her if she hadn't grown some habits when it came to preparing for worst case scenarios. Especially so when you had no idea when, where, or what kind of situation you might end up in.

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