"Odd Blondie."

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File Name: "Wars Of Azure"
Log No. 02
By: "Detective Amelia H. Watson"
Traveler's No. 1337


  I woke up to find the sky had already darkened. I had fallen asleep most of the afternoon and lost track of myself in one of my daydreams-I don't know, everything was fuzzy at the time.

  Having missed out on all the daylight, I had no choice but to wait for morning to come. I started stargazing to get a rough idea of my location and the seasons.

  While gathering some data and mapping out my location, I hear cannon-fire.

  There I saw two ships, both of which resembled vessels from medieval times made of wood and lacquer, one was a Carrack while the other was a Caravel from what I observed.

  One of the ships fired cannonballs towards the other as it burned and was just about to sink. The Caravel was already in a bad shape and was already burning from within.

  A few seconds into the gunfight the other ship, the Caravel, explodes and is reduced to a wreck. It might've been carrying a few barrels of gunpowder which ended up catching on fire and exploded.

  The Carrack floats idly for roughly thirty minutes near the wreckage, whether they were looking for survivors or checking for any signs of loot I could not discern. But I presume it being the latter, they must've lost interest after seeing the explosion destroyed almost everything on the Caravel-ship and crew included.

  They left a little while later with no noticeable activity, choosing to sail on the South-West path from what I could tell. I took note of their path assuming they were heading to a dock somewhere in that direction, there might be land that way or something.

  I chose not to follow them in fear of being shot at by their cannons and losing my raft.

  Once the coast was clear and the other ship was nowhere to be seen, I paddled my way to the wreckage to see and inspect the damage.

  It was a mess. Planks, barrels, pieces of the sail, and what remains of the ships' crew mates littered the ocean. Whatever treasure or loot they must've carried with them had already reached the bottom as only wooden parts of the ship remain afloat.

  Inspecting some of the wreckage brought up some interesting things of note. There were a lot of spices like paprika, cinnamon, and such packed tightly inside barrels. I opened one and was greeted with a barrel full of crushed tomatoes. Another barrel contained wheat.

  All of these findings led me to assume the ship was a mere merchant ship.

  There were also two other things; first there being a survivor, someone who greatly resembles one Ninomae Ina'nis from my timeline, only this time she seems to not be wearing her normal priestess garb and instead wore some silk dress with intricate tentacle-like designs stitched into them. She still had the same color palate about her, the usual purple and violet design I've come to know as Ina's.

  I saw her floating on some planks and rescued her upon seeing who she was. As for her injuries, she had nothing severe, a few burns, bruises, and scratches on her skin. She seems to be suffering from hyperthermia from having to stay on the water for quite some time. I gave her a blanket. Her pulse was fine albeit weak, she'll recover as long as I tend to her and she rests up.

  Second; I notice that Ina doesn't have her book with her. I checked the wreckage a few times trying to look for it but came out unsuccessful. It could have possibly sank to the bottom, that's a plausible way of thinking about it, but then again this was Ina's book. If anything could be called plausible, it wasn't Ina's book, far from it. She did have those defining features on her so I'm assuming she's had contact with the book one way or another.

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