No, I Am Taken

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Scarlett: Is she okay?

Jodie: Maybe she's overwhelmed.

Scarlett: Was it me?

Jodie: I don't think so.

Florence: (Walks down to the basement) (Locks door) (Tears roll down her face) (Looks at a picture of Rachel) You are forever in my heart. (Cries while kissing the photograph of Rachel) You were my best friend. I need a sign. Just any sign that you are not mad at me up there babe. (Looks up) I want you to know that even though I acted horrible to you in the end, I never stopped loving you. I can't sleep anymore and I am finally ready to stop denying the reason why. (Sobs) I still love you.

Jodie: (Listening through the door)

Florence: (Cries and sobs loudly) (Screams) I STILL LOVE YOU RACHEL!!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! (Smashes her piano with an axe) (Crying loudly) Oh!!!!!

Jodie: (Tears up) (Walks away)

Scarlett: Is she okay?

Jodie: (Walks over to Lizzie)

Scarlett: (Scoffs)

Aubrey: Chill. She did just come from the hospital.

Scarlett: (Hugs Aubrey) You're right.

Jodie: She's having a breakdown.

Lizzie: About what?

Jodie: Rachel.

Lizzie: Oh no. (Runs down the stairs and passed Scarlett and Aubrey)

Jodie: (Walks after her)

Scarlett: Lizzie too.. (Tears up)

Aubrey: (Comforting Scarlett) She's fine.

Crissy: (Walks down the stairs toward Scarlett)

Jodie: The door is locked.

Lizzie: Do I look like I give a fuck?

Jodie: Uh..

Lizzie: Don't answer that! (Grabs crowbar and pries the door open) Im going down there.

Jodie: I think I should.

Lizzie: You don't know a damn thing about Florence. Now stay up here. (Walks through the door)

Jodie: (Scoffs)

Florence: WHO'S THERE?!!!

Lizzie: Florence. It's just me.

Florence: Im losing it Lizzie!!!

Lizzie: It's okay. Just count to ten.

Florence: (Turns around) (Mascara and blood dripping down her eyes)

Lizzie: (Widens her mouth)


Scarlett: Crissy.. You're coming home with me! Lizzie we are no longer frien-

Rachel: Scarlett watch out!! (Runs and pushes Scarlett out of the way as a piano drops over her)

Crissy: (Screams)

Florence: RACHEL!! How is this possible?!! Why is she here?!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! SHE WAS MY EVERYTHING!!! (Crying) (Mascara and blood drips down her face from her eyes)

Crissy: Florence your eyes are bleeding!!

Florence: (Falls back)

Crissy: (Gasps)


Florence: (Laying on the ground on her back) Just leave me here! I'm a stupid bitch and a horrible person!

Crissy: Florence. We've had our differences but as big a loss this may be, we'll get through this babes.

Florence: You will, I never will.. (Cries and sobs on the floor)

Lizzie: Come on girl. (Pulls Florence up to her feet and into a chair and sits her down)

Scarlett: (Removes the piano to see a flat Rachel completely crushed and covered in blood)

Florence: OH!!! NOOO!!! NO! OHH!! (Screaming) SHE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! (Faints)


Florence: (Looks at Lizzie) I did it again.

Lizzie: (Grabs tissue) Wipe your eyes.

Florence: I deserve this.

Lizzie: You know you don't. (Hugs Florence)

Florence: Why did I say what I said to her before she left that day?!

Lizzie: You were under a lot of pressure. We all were. Rachel came back. Rachel may have not gotten to talk to you when she did but she told me how much she loves you, and I know you know she did and I know you know she still does.

Florence: (Sobs)

Lizzie: I'm here for you. We all are and always will be.

Florence: (Leans her head into Lizzie) Thank you.

Lizzie: (Smiles) Of course. Now let's go get some tea Miss Pugh!

Florence: (Giggles) I would love that.

Jodie: (Walks away)

Aubrey: Jodie.

Jodie: (Opens the front door and walks out)

Florence and Lizzie: (Walk into the room)

Florence: Let's get this party started. (Smiles)

Scarlett: (Smiles)

2 hours later

Florence: I am so appreciative of y'all.

Scarlett: We are all appreciative of you as well.

Lizzie: Absolutely.

Katarina: 100 percent

Aubrey: Of course.

Crissy: Always.

Later the next morning

Jodie: You are the greatest ever. (Holding roses)

Florence: What?

Jodie: I'm sorry I left. I just hate to see you hurt. I felt like I wasn't important to you at all.

Florence: That's not the case.

Jodie: I know that. I have wanted to say this for a while now. (Gives Florence roses)

Florence: Jodie.

Jodie: I love you. I think you are the most amazing person ever. Definitely the most gorgeous woman.

Florence: I'm sorry. I'm taken.

Jodie: Huh?

Florence: I said no, I'm taken.

Jodie: By who?

Florence: Rachel Weisz.

Jodie: Florence. She's dead.

Florence: Yeah, and I feel that way inside.

Jodie: I know.

Florence: (Widens her eyes) (Puts flowers in a vase)

Jodie: (Grabs Florence's hand) I accept your darkness and I'll make you feel better because I have truly come to love you so much.

Florence: This could be a mistake.

Jodie: Mistakes form miracles. For you I am willing to take that risk.

Florence: Oh fuck it. (Kisses Jodie)

Jodie: (Grabs Florence's ass) Mm.. I will..

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