Chapter 10 - Strategy

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It takes a lot of willpower to do anything other than just lying down and staring at the ceiling, but you force yourself to sit up. You aren't in that cramped prison anymore, and there are things you need to do.

A problem, though: you don't know what those things are.

There are quite a few "things" on your plate. Going with the flow usually works, but you do kind of have goals, and since passivity might now accomplish them, you'll have to decide on a solid course of action.

You stand up, adjust your outfit (and spare a thought for your old one, which does seem to be drying and will hopefully return to normal soon), and walk over to the desk sitting by the window.

It has a single drawer, which happens to contain exactly what you were looking for: a stick of charcoal and some paper.

In a messy shorthand version of Ancient Draconian, in case anyone tries to read it, you write one word:


You add a line under it for good measure, then pause, charcoal hovering over the sheet.

The first thing to consider is your goals. The most important one is obvious. You didn't quite promise it, and you're sure he'll be fine on his own, but still. It would be incredibly rude to abandon him after signaling to him that you're free. If you don't have anything more time-sensitive to do, it'll be worth the effort.

Rescue Aaravos.

Since his mirror is in Katolis and you don't know enough about the prison to operate without talking to him first, your next goal may be directly antithetical to that.

Bring Prince Azymondias to his mother.

After a few seconds, you add a question mark next to it.

The more you think about it, the less you're sure. Should you help Prince Ezran's group, or help Soren and Claudia to kill them and/or bring them back to Katolis? There are positives and negatives on both sides.

You sigh. The old-fashioned way it is then.

Bring Prince Azymondias to his mother?



Okay, so the first thing is... the groups, why not? If you help Azymondias, you'll be betraying Soren and Claudia. Their father is probably one of the most important men in Katolis, and they've been quite pleasant to you considering the whole elf thing.

If you don't help Azymondias, you'll kind of be betraying Ezran, Callum and Rayla. The latter doesn't trust you, but Callum has some serious potential as a mage, and Ezran is not only a crown prince, but a nice kid.

If you do help Azymondias, Zubeia will be less angry about your whereabouts during the last three hundred years. It may also stop the war between the five human kingdoms and Xadia, saving many lives in the process. But then, that might be betraying Aaravos... and since you can't use the Star primal to speak to him, there's no way of knowing unless you go to Katolis and ask him about his intentions. And that necessitates not taking the dragon prince to Xadia.

You sigh, and look at what you have so far.

Bring Prince Azymondias to his mother?


Not betraying Callum, Ezran, Rayla, and Lujanne, and Ellis, most of whom are very important people.

More likely to be forgiven for the whole mirror trick thing.

Better popularity in Xadia and potentially human kingdoms.

May stop the war with Xadia, saving lives.

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