Chapter 3.

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I woke up around midnight with my stomach grumbling i rolled over and grabbed my phone, i turned my flashlight on and began walking downstairs, when i made it to the bottom of the stairs, i shone my light on the couch Jack, Gilinsky, Mr.Cocky, and Cameron were all asleep, i giggled a little and walked into the kitchen seeing Skylar asleep near the sink on the floor, i went and grabbed a piece of meat to eat, once i turned around i kicked Skylar and quickly ran up to my room i started laughing super hard, I've wanted to hurt her my whole life, even though it wasn't something major big it still felt good to give her a taste of her own medicine, i laid down on my bed and fell back asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

(The next morning)

I woke up with the biggest pain in the world i looked over at my nightstand and grabbed my phone it was only 6:30, Cameron had texted me three times.

Cameron: Good morning beautiful.

Cameron: i'm going to make breakfast

Cameron: Can i come up?

Ariana: Yes Cam, you can come up.

Cameron came up and gave me a huge hug, "good morning gorgeous!" He said while gripping on to me. "Haha Cameron, why are you so happy?" I said while catching my breath. "Idk, wanna go for a swim though?" He said jumping up and down. "Yeah sure, let me go and get changed, i'll be back."

I stood up grabbed my favorite bikini and walked into the bathroom, after about 5 minutes i walked back out and twirled "Look good?" I said "Beautiful as ever" Cameron stated with his cheesy smile. I smiled and started heading down stairs, once we both got out of the pool i shoved Cameron in "Woah, what was that for?" "Just a little pay back" I said while slowly walking in the water and winking, Cameron swam over to me and put me on his shoulders, then he grabbed his phone from the sidewalk and took a picture of us, once the camera clicked Cameron flew me backwards, i arose from the water and went over to the annoying but adorable boy who was still on his phone, before i could look at what he was doing he turned around and said "Check you Instagram later ;)" i smiled and looked at the ground, when i looked up Cameron picked me up and flew me in the air, "Cameron!" I yelled while griping on him "Sorry beautiful" He said while holding me bridal smile. I started smiling really big and looked down again Cameron titled my head up and slowly kissed me "Ariana, your so freaking beautiful." He said as we pulled away, i smiled and got down from his arms, when i looked at the sidewalk, there she was, the she devil, but not alone, there was another girl with her, "Taylor" Cameron mumbled i looked back at him to see this shocked look on his face.

Taylor~ Cammy poo i missed you so much she said while holding her arms out.

Taylor~ Well don't just stand there give me a hug.

I got out of the water and began walking towards the door tears filling up my eyes

Skylar~ I told you he had a girlfriend you dumb bitch.

I turned around and just started yelling

Ariana~ Listen you little whore, i never once have i ever done anything to you, yeah i'm not perfect yeah i'm not beautiful, or skinny, or even worth it here, but trust me i have feelings to, you know nothing about me, so how about you lay the fuck off and go make someone else feel worthless. (I then turned to Cameron) And you, i thought you were different, but your just a little fuck boy like the others, you get what you want and them drop them like their garbage, have fun with Taylor, i'm pretty sure she's used to dating fuck boys,

I then turned around and ran into the house, i ran all the way up to my room, to the bathroom, locked the door, and started crying into my knees on the floor, i looked at myself and began screaming about how worthless i was, i grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped i around my fist, i punched the left side of the mirror and picked up a piece of the glass shattered on the floor, i sat on the toilet and started cutting and cutting, i stopped once i lost count, letting the blood drip on the sink, the room started getting really dizzy and my eyelids were starting to shut, as soon as my eyelids were about to shut the bathroom door busted open.

I awoke in the hospital, not knowing what day it was or what time it was, i looked over and saw Gilinsky sleeping crying in his hands, and next to him was Mr.Cocky sound asleep, i looked over to my other side and saw Cameron asleep and next to him Jack sleeping, i lifted my hand so Gilinsky would see i was awake.

Gilinsky~ Ariana your up!

Ariana~ Shh, please i don't want anyone knowing right now, who saved me?

Gilinsky~ I did, Cameron started coming in screaming and crying about how Taylor showed up, when they are broken up and shit, i went to go explain everything to you but you were on the ground bleeding, so i rushed you to the hospital while Cameron held the blood, he's the real savior here.

I looked over at Cameron and smiled a little

Ariana~ Gilinsky, will you please wake him up, i wanna talk to him..

Gilinsky woke up Cameron and told him everything, Gilinsky then left to go try and flirt with some nurses when he left Cameron shut the curtain and looked at me

he sat down next to me "Ariana, are you okay, i'm so sorry she-

I cut him off by kissing him, i laid him down next to me without breaking the kiss and then stopped. "So i take it you know everything" He said with a smirk on his face. I giggled a little nodded and put my head on his chest, he wrapped his arm around me, and we slowly fell asleep just in that position, just like that.

Sorry for the long chapter, hope you all enjoy, and stay updated

XOXO ~ Gracie :*

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