Chapter Thirteen: Things I Didn't Know About Jo Taylor

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A/N: Hey everybody! Long time no see. I realized where I went wrong with this story. I was over complicating it and trying to turn it into a story it's not. I might use what I've come up with for another Kames Vampire Mpreg story later on, but, for right now, I'm just gonna keep this simple and to the point. I'll go through it AFTER it's completed and do a few touch ups, but I'm done with trying to rewrite it. I hope you enjoy it and forgive me for taking so long.

Chapter 13

James' PoV

I dozed off for a little bit after I woke up from my amazing, yet depressing dream. I woke up feeling refreshed and less queasy then before. My stomach growled, my wolf side needing to be fed now. I climbed out of bed and yanked my t-shirt off. The closet door was open, revealing my full-length mirror. Normally I'd agonize over what to wear and how I looked, but today, I couldn't care less. My stomach was just beginning to show, only noticeable when I turned sideways. I ran my hand over my stomach, feeling the quickly growing baby move and kick inside me. I was barely 3 weeks along and yet already I could feel her kick. I quickly did the math in my head, jaw dropping when I realized that, if her growth continues like this, I'll be holding her in my arms in less than 6 more weeks. The idea of holding my child was exciting and brought a huge grin to my face. Although Kendall's reaction to her and me threatened to dampened the ecstatic feeling I was experiencing, I shoved it aside. I would deal with him and his stubborn ass later.

As I looked myself over in the mirror, I quickly realized that my usual go-to outfit of skinny jeans and a tight t-shirt was horrible now that I was pregnant, not to mention uncomfortable. I dug around my clothes until I found something that was somewhat suitable. My ONLY pair of loose jeans which haven't been worn in forever, one of Kendall's t-shirts that I "borrowed" months ago and never gave back, and a grey hoodie. It was pretty lazy compared to how I usually dress myself. My stomach growled again. I yanked on a pair of converse and left the room, heading for the kitchen where the mouth-watering smells of cinnamon, eggs, and bacon wafted throughout the apartment. I took a deep breath, following my nose. My eyes widened when I spotted Kendall sitting at the counter talking to Jo while she made breakfast. Neither had noticed me yet, so I stepped back into the hall, listening to every word they said. "I know what I said to James was really stupid," Kendall was saying as he stabbed his scrambled eggs. "But what do you expect? I mean, he just told me that he, a full-blown guy, is pregnant and I'm the father." I could tell the blonde was pissed by the way his eyebrows squished together and his jaw muscles clenched. Jo went on cooking as if her boyfriend wasn't about to blow behind her. "You know I'd never cheat on you, Jo, especially not with James. You're perfect and he's..." The green-eyed teen trailed off, but I got the jist. I was a freak, a monster, anything and everything that wasn't perfect. My eyes stung with tears as I wrapped my arms around my self and walked back down the hall, not wanting to hear the rest of their conversation. I shut the door as quietly as possible before pressing my back to it and sliding down until my butt hit the floor. I already knew Kendall hated me because of the kid, but I didn't know he thought of me as a freak. I buried my face in my hands and started crying, wishing now more than ever before that I had stopped us when I had the chance. I was sober, he was drunk. I should have stopped him and none of this would be happening right now. I am such an idiot and a fool for thinking that he would even remotely be interested in me as anything more than a friend after that night. Maybe, I was wrong. Maybe he and I aren't mates.

Third Person's PoV

Jo Taylor shook her head, a sly smile on her face, as she listened to her boyfriend go on and on about her newest roommate. It was obvious Kendall was totally smitten with the tall brunette and she felt stupid for not seeing it or believing Camille sooner. If she had, she and the other two girls could have set them up and they'd be happy together. But no, Jo let her own insecurities get between what was clearly two people who were heads-over-heels for each other, but right now, only one was going to admit it and the other was too stubborn to see the truth even though it was right in front of his face. "You know I'd never cheat on you, Jo, especially not with James." The blonde girl said nothing as she scrapped some eggs onto the brunette's plate. She went over the list Dr. Harvard had given James last night while she was waiting for him to come back. It not only had symptoms, such as increased appetite and morning sickness, it also had some helpful tips to make life easier on preggo people. James was gonna need as much help as he could get if he was gonna carry, birth, and raise this kid. Jo had already made up her mind that if the tall teen even so much as considered putting the kid up for adoption, she was going to knock some sense into him one way or another. Suddenly, she became aware of Kendall's tone taking a derogatory edge as he continued. "You're perfect, and he's..." The dirty blonde boy trailed off. Jo put her frying pan and spatula down, staring hard at her boyfriend, one hand firmly placed on her hip. She tried imitating the stance and look her mother took whenever she started to say something she shouldn't. The death glare aimed at the leader's head dared him to finish his sentence and say anything bad about the pretty boy. Jo had no qualms about hitting the broad-shouldered boy upside the head with the closest thing to her, such as her frying pan. The blonde teen shook his head as he sat his fork beside his plate before burying his face in his hands. "Everything I ever wanted." The last part was mumbled, but Jo heard it loud and clear.

"So you're in love with him then?" She asked, as if he had just said something about the weather. Kendall didn't seem to notice the calmness in which his typically jealous girlfriend spoke, his mind elsewhere. "Why did you kick him out and act like you hated him yesterday?" When the dirty-blonde teen didn't say anything, Jo poked him in the back of his hands. "Kendall?" It was a long while before the blonde removed his hands from his face. Only then did the actress see the tears swimming in his emerald green eyes. "I don't know what's happening to me, Jo. Before, me and James were the best of best friends and that was it, and now all I want to do is grab him by his shirt and kiss him until he passes out. I can't get him out of my head." The blonde's bottom lip quivered as Jo wrapped her thin arms around his broad shoulders. "But at the same time," Kendall added, shaking his head in disbelief, "I hate him and can't stand the sight of him. I love him, but I also would love to strangle him." The blonde shook his head again, his shaggy hair falling over his eyes. He didn't bother brushing them away and just started through the golden fringe. Oh my god, he's afraid he'll hurt James. The truth about Kendall's behavior dawned on his girlfriend. He loves him, but he doesn't want to hurt him as well. "I don't know what came over me and made me say what I said to James, and now he hates me." Jo let Kendall ramble on like this for a few more minutes, waiting for him to even it out. Even if he didn't understand what was happening to him right now, Kendall would find out what and why as soon as possible.

"I'm gonna go wake up James. You might want to leave before he comes out. He's already a mess." The blonde girl said, releasing her boyfriend. "You and him will work something out together, trust me." Kendall nodded and got up, giving her a kiss on the cheek before he left the apartment. It wasn't like other kisses the blonde boy had given her, more friendly than romantic. It was a sure sign that their relationship was breaking apart in favor of Kendall and his true love, James. And Jo didn't mind a bit. As long as Kendall was happy, so was she. The blonde girl headed down the hall to James' bedroom and knocked on the door. When no one replied, she cautiously pushed the door open to find James curled up on his bed with a pillow, sound asleep, and with tears streaming down his cheeks. Yep, Jo thought with a sharp nod as she prepared to wake the tall brunette up. He was going to need all the help she and the other girls could muster.

A/N: Yeah, it's done! I hope you all liked this new chapter of H-BV! Can I get three comments on it please!

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