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Zhang Junze was tense at that time, and his hands did not know where to put them.

When the softness leaned into his arms, his breathing stopped.

"Jiang Yu..." he called softly.

That is, from that moment on, he never called Xijiang Yu his sister again.

He didn't want to be her brother in the first place, and he wasn't her brother.

At the beginning, Xi Jiangyu also joked and asked him to recognize Xiqiu as a godmother, in this way, he would be her righteous godbrother.

But how could he be willing?

He wants to call Xiqiu his mother, but he wants to be Xiqiu's son-in-law.

Xiqiu actually saw Zhang Junze's careful thinking, so even after taking care of Zhang Junze for so long, she never mentioned that she wanted to recognize Zhang Junze as her godson.

Xi Jiangyu hugged him tightly, and her breath fell on Zhang Junze's ears.

Zhang Junze's hands were on her shoulders, and he never dared to put on her body.

"I'll take you back to your room first." Zhang Junze's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he was about to leave with Xijiangyu, but who knew that Xijiangyu was holding him tightly.

He heard Xi Jiangyu say, "I'm not going back to my room, I'll go to your room."

"Jiang Yu..." he trembled and spoke word by word: "Don't make trouble, this is not good."

Xi Jiangyu was red from face to neck, and it was easy for her to get on when she drank.

Drunk, she is not at all different from her usual, she has been thinking in her mouth, and she likes to stick to Zhang Junze's body.

About disgusted that Zhang Junze moved too slowly, she also patted Zhang Junze hard: "Hurry up, I must sleep in your bedroom today."

Saying that, she actually cried: "I don't want to face a cold room alone, I'm so scared." My dad doesn't want me anymore, and my mom doesn't care about me. No one loved me, I thought Sheng Lang loved me, but he was a trash, and he abandoned me. Zhang Junze, I have nothing.

Zhang Junze finally stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly: "And me, you and me, no matter when, I will be by your side."

Xi Jiangyu cried even more sadly: "You don't leave me, you accompany me tonight."

This sentence made Zhang Junze, who was reluctant to let go of her, finally plucked up enough courage and said yes.

That night, Zhang Junze covered her with a quilt and silently wiped her tears.

He listened to Xijiang Yu and said a lot of things.

Xi Jiangyu cried and said, "I actually miss my dad very much, but since he ran away with that woman, he hasn't cared about me anymore." That year, when I was a freshman in high school, my grandmother found my phone out of nowhere, telling me that she missed me and that my father missed me too. He also said that Dad was going to have a birthday, and asked me to call him and wish him a happy birthday.

"I should have listened to my mother, I shouldn't have returned that call, I shouldn't have thought about contacting him." I called, and the woman answered. I asked her, is this Jiang Jianguo's call? She said no, she said I made a mistake. "

Xi Jiangyu tightly tugged on Zhang Junze's T-shirt, lying in his arms and crying bitterly: "But that was my father's phone, and he apologized to me afterwards and said that I could contact him if I had something in the future." I didn't contact him again, I finally listened to my mother, and from then on, I treated this person as dead.

Zhang Junze hugged her distressedly, and he patted her on the back and comforted her awkwardly.

"I thought the waves were different. I know that he carestakes, that he likes to tease little girls. But he saved me, and I think he's different after all. I thought that as long as I was good to him, I could change him, woo-woo..."
Zhang Junze sighed, every time he thought that Sheng Lang was not good for her,
Zhang Junze wanted Sheng Lang to disappear into this world immediately.

"It's good that he's gone. Jiang Yu, you and he will not have a future. Sober up early and forget about him early. After Zhang Junze said this, he plucked up his courage and took the initiative to kiss her on the lips.

It was the first time he had kissed a girl, and he didn't quite know much. Just the moment the dragonfly touched the water, his heart was beating wildly.

But then, Xi Jiangyu took the initiative to kiss him.

The kiss after that was long and passionate.

As if anxious to find some warmth, she clings to him.

She was not very honest at the time, she also ripped Zhang Junze's T-shirt, pinched his ears, touched his collarbone, and other places she had not touched...

Xijiangyu was drunk, but she was clear-headed at the time.

That night, she really wanted to have something to do with Zhang Junze.

Sheng Lang told her that he liked being with those girls and that he felt happy. But Xijiangyu didn't let him touch it, and Xijiangyu always said that she would save the first time until the day of marriage.

Sheng Lang couldn't believe it, it's all this era, and there is such a traditional girl as Xijiang Yu.

Sheng Lang also tried to let Xijiang Yu let go a little, tried to coax her, tried to deceive her.

But Xijiang Yu is easy to deceive everything, but in this aspect, he adheres to the principle.

So Sheng Lang was caught cheating and his first reaction was weakness. But that weakness soon dissipated, and as usual, he began to loudly accuse Xi Jiangyu in turn.

He believes that the root of everything lies in Xijiang Yu.

After that, the cheater snatched the door out, but Xijiangyu could only squat on the ground and hold his head and cry.

When Xi Jiangyu drank alcohol, he kept thinking about what Sheng Lang said.

He said that he was very happy to do that kind of thing, and Xijiangyu couldn't give him that kind of happiness, so he went to find someone else's.

So Xi Jiangyu said to Zhang Junze: "You let me also experience the so-called happiness once, I want to see if it is really that magical."

Zhang Junze held her troubled hand: "You are not clear-headed now." If you still think that way after you wake up, I won't refuse.

That night was a very torturous thing for Zhang Junze.

And the initiator Xijiang Yu finally slept soundly.

Her whole body hung on Zhang Junze's body, and it was not until ten o'clock the next morning, when Xiqiu returned home, that she found the two of them, lying on a bed.

Xiqiu was furious that day.

Since Zhang Junze came to their home, Xiqiu has never said anything serious to Zhang Junze.

But that day, Xiqiu directly slapped Zhang Junze.

"I took care of you for the sake of your parents' face. I think you are pitiful, I think you are well-behaved and sensible. I feel that although you are a boy, you take good care of Jiang Yu, and I don't think you are that kind of person. But what did you do? You have betrayed my trust in you. In

the face of Xiqiu's accusations, Zhang Junze did not say a word.

In the end, Xi Jiangyu got up, casually put on Zhang Junze's T-shirt, and walked down and said: "Mom, don't blame him, I pestered him and wanted to sleep in his room." Xiqiu

stretched out his hand and wanted to slap Xi Jiangyu, but was stopped by Zhang Junze.

"Auntie, it's all my fault, you hit me."

Xiqiu trembled, pointed at the two of them and asked, "What step has it developed?" And you Xijiangyu, you dress me and come out again to talk. Xiqiu

knew about Sheng Lang, and also knew that Xi Jiangyu and Sheng Lang broke up.

Xiqiu has never been able to look at Sheng Lang, although she has never seen anyone, but from the photo, she can see that this child is not good.

Xiqiu originally thought that the child fell in love and broke up soon.

As a result, Xijiang Rain and Sheng Lang were in one place for four years.

When Xiqiu called his younger brother Xidong, they all gritted their teeth: "Xijiangyu is looking for such a boyfriend, and I am panicked when I look at this." This child is quite serious, and if he really wants to let such a son-in-law into the house in the future, I want to die.

Later, Xijiang Yu fell out of love, and the happiest was Xiqiu. She called Xijiangyu's aunt, second aunt, and uncle, hoping to buy fireworks to celebrate such a grand event.

Xiqiu was only concerned about his own happiness, and did not pay attention to Xi Jiangyu's emotions at all.

She doesn't know how Xijiangyu spent her love breakdown, and she can't empathize with her daughter's pain.

Therefore, when she accused Xijiangyu and Zhang Junze of sleeping together, it was too faceless and unruly, Xijiangyu finally broke out and cried bitterly.

"What do you know? In addition to being busy with your work, you know to scold me. It's my fault that I look like my dad, you were wronged outside, you think of everything my dad did to you, and you take all your grievances out on me. Do you care about me? You know I'm also having a hard time?

Xi Jiangyu coaxed Xiqiu to finish this call, and Xiqiu subconsciously wanted to scold her: "I raised you so big, I still become a sinner, right?" How do you live in this big house without me? Your dad doesn't care about you, doesn't give a penny of child support, he is good for you to follow him.

This kind of words, Xi Jiangyu didn't know how much he heard since he was a child.

When Xiqiu is angry, he will let Xijiang rain.

It wasn't until Zhang Junze came to their house that Xiqiu was not good at losing his temper in front of outsiders, and this situation was alleviated.

This time, Zhang Junze couldn't listen, he protected Xijiang Yu behind him, frowned, and said, "Auntie, you can't talk like that." Jiang Yu is your own daughter, I know you love her, but you can't rub salt on her wounds, you have to drive her crazy, are you willing? Xiqiu

was about to raise his hand to slap Zhang Junze again, but Zhang Junze stretched out his face and waited for her to hit.

Listening to Xi Jiangyu's heart-wrenching cry, Xiqiu's eyes were also red. She finally withdrew her hand, and this slap did not fall.

And Zhang Junze, holding Xi Jiangyu in his arms, said to Xiqiu word by word: "We didn't do anything last night." If you don't believe it, you can go and check. I admit, I like Xijiang Rain. I'm already out of college this year and I can support her. As long as she is willing, and Auntie agrees, I will marry her immediately.

Xiqiu's face loosened a little.

After calming down, she probably knew that Zhang Junze was not lying.

The clothes on Zhang Junze's body are still well dressed, and he doesn't look like a child who has done bad things.

That day, Xiqiu called Zhang Junze to the study and said something for a long time.

After that day, Xiqiu said to Xijiangyu: "Sheng Lang will not come back, that kind of man, you see it early, it is your luck." Feelings are slowly cultivated, Zhang Junze is good, he also likes you, he will be good to you, you get married.

During that time, Xijiang Yu was muddy, and she did not agree or refuse.

Zhang Junze treated her better than before, he stayed by her side all day, never leaving her a step.

He no longer hid his intentions, and he told Xijiangyu that he liked her the first time he came to Xijia and saw her.

Xi Jiangyu still remembers his original words, he said: "Jiang Yu, I will be good to you, will respect you, will spoil you, and will let you." Even if you get married, I won't force you to do something you don't like. Maybe you can't trust me right away, but I'll let you know that I'll always love you and I'll never hurt you.

That day, Xi Jiangyu was sitting in the bedroom on the second floor of her studio, and Zhang Junze was squatting next to her and saying this.

This bedroom is where Sheng Lang brought the woman back.

The sheets and bedding, including the curtains, were replaced by her, but everything in this room still made Xijiangyu feel suffocated.

After listening to Zhang Junze's words, she finally had some reaction.

She stretched out her hand and pulled Zhang Junze up from the ground.

She said, "Help me unzip my skirt."

Zhang Junze was stunned.

He stared at those watery eyes, so nervous that he couldn't breathe.

"Don't you want to marry me? Then try it first. I'm not drinking right now, I'm sober. After finishing what I didn't finish that night, I thought it was okay, and I promised to marry you. 

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